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Everything posted by WiSioux

  1. Has anyone else noticed that the refs are kicking a lot of people out of the faceoffs this weekend..... both teams....
  2. full strength.... we're getting decent pressure on Bachman
  3. Penalty on Oshie for slashing? No video of it. Miller with a GREAT chance
  4. Great response though... we didn't just roll over like yesterday. UND power play right now, we need to tie this one up!
  5. Rau on a breakway... scores UND 0 CC 1 went five hole... looks like Bina was defense?
  6. We are winning battles to the puck today which is something we had a very hard time with yesterday.... good to see!
  7. How is it that Adam reffed last night and is reffing again this afternoon? We've gotta save Shep for the Gophers? Whatever.... the annoucers seem to think the refs have been doing a good job so far in this tourney..... that's debateable Penalty on Chorney - boarding Penalty done... Sioux at full strength... TJ did a great job blocking shots, and J.P. with some good saves....
  8. Faceoff and game on! Let's go boys! Passing looks better already tonight.... we llook like we're moving our feet and playing with some passion
  9. We should play much better today... mainly because I'm not at the game.... GO SIOUX!
  10. WiSioux


    Saw Trupp again today around lunch time, except this time he had his boot on again... man! I'm confused!!! haha Either way, the longer we play the better chance we have of seeing Trupp play again this season...
  11. I'm surprised it hasn't already been asked in this thread (perhaps there is another one that I was not patient enough to find) but where is everyone sitting?!? Do you have the same seats for all games, are you going to all games, or do you plan to buy tickets outside?
  12. WiSioux


    Not sure where to put this, but I guess this will work. I saw Trupp today at lunch without a boot..... it seemed as though he still had some sort of brace or something on, but couldn't really tell because he had long pants on. I could just tell that he didn't have on a boot because he had on a real shoe.
  13. Senior Sendoff Here is my video of the senior sendoff.... lots of screaming.... and kinda shaky because I was cheering at the same time...
  14. Ok... just an update in case anyone is interested.... I talked to the Sioux Crew president, and she was able to help me figure out the ticket situation so that I do not have to track down the guy that I bought the tickets from and I can pick them up myself. I'm not 100% sure where we are being moved to, but it is someone in section 110 the side closer to the students (once again, I'm not sure what happened to the people that were supposed to be sitting there). I'm hoping that by having students in more than just the student section we will be able to help spread the noise better.... I'm glad that we'll still be connected to the student section even though we won't be in it. Also, to make up for the inconveince they are providing us with food vouchers for tonight. I'm really glad that this is something the Ralph discovered before hand (why it only happened the night before I'm not sure) and didn't just wait until everyone got to the arena and told us then. It could have been handled better initially, but their response from what I've seen so far has been very good. Now I'm ready for some hockey!!! LET'S GO SIOUX!!!!
  15. My frusturations with the Ralph are endless!!! I'm a senior and have experienced four different ways of handing out student season tickets in the four years that I have been here. The combination of the problems between the Ralph, Ticketmaster, and Student Government are getting ridiculous!!! I was one of the students that lined up outside of the Ralph to buy playoff tickets and subsequently got screwed out of lower bowl. Well I don't sit in the upper bowl (haha) and so I found a sympathic student who had extra lower bowl tickets due to a miscommunication between friends and bought their lower bowl tickets from them. Walking to lunch today I saw another friend of mine that is sitting in the same row as I am this weekend. He asked me if I had been moved to which I had no response because I didn't know what he was talking about. Turns out that when they sold the student playoff tickets, they forgot about the band and sold their seats. Instead of simply moving the band or not having them perform, someone at the Ralph decided that it would be easier to move ALL the students that are sitting in the band's seats. Now I'm not really sure what happened to the season ticket holders, because I have long ago heard that this was a sold out series... but I was informed that I will now be sitting in section 110 instead of 109. I'm not very happy about it, but I will survive. Now, my only problem is that the new tickets are being held hostage at the Ralph Box Office.... because I bought the tickets from another student, they are under his name, and he is the only one that can pick them up. So now, just hours before the game, I am forced to try and get a hold of him, convince him to go out of his way and pick these tickets up, meet up with him, and get the new tickets. I feel bad for him, because it shouldn't be this complication... at all. I just don't understand why ticket distribution can't ever go smoothly.....
  16. I think that there was another thread about it, but I can't find it... However, I noticed today when I was going past the Native American Center that they have replaced the stolen eagle. I assume that it is a brand new one, since I haven't heard anything about someone being caught for stealing the old one.
  17. I lost my audio!!! Just kidding hehe.... I apparently hit the mute button All better... now we can score
  18. Just tuning in from the Minneapolis Airport on my way back from Tokyo, I"ll be at the game tomorrow night... LET'S GO SIOUX!!!!!!!!!!!!
  19. Kinda along that same lines.... A few of my friends and I went up to Winnipeg over President's Day weekend to watch the Manitoba Moose and Colby Genoway play. They had an autograph session after the game. One of their goalies is Cory Schneider (the former BC goalie). He happened to be at the end of the line so he saw four Sioux jerseys coming at him for awhile. When we finally got there he joked that he wasn't sure he could sign our stuff, to which we responded that we weren't sure he wanted him to sign our stuff. We chatted a bit about the Frozen Four the past two seasons.... as we were walking away we looked at our autographs and on the last person through the line he had attempted to write "Go Eagles" but only managed to write "Go Eagls"... guess that's a BC education for you... haha! It was pretty funny! Apparently the Moose had come down for the UAA series and so everyone was commenting on our building and how nice it was and asking how the team was doing. They all knew right away that we were there to see Colby and joked about it. It was a lot of fun! Great group of guys up there.
  20. I didn't hear it, but Jones went down the tunnel sometime during the second and never returned, so Hak might have been talking about him...
  21. LOL! I love Toews! That was hilarous... thanks for sharing. By the end of the interview he's just cracking joke after joke and ripping on Kane lol
  22. WiSioux

    White Out

    I just got an email from the Sioux Crew/Athletic Department newsletter and this was attached at the bottom of it: Hopefully this is something that they can do because it would be really cool to see! Just thought I'd start getting the word out now
  23. You are correct.... Malone has 15 penalties for 38 minutes. The only penalty that was not a two minute minor was Saturday night in Minneapolis where he got a 10 minute misconduct. He does not have a DQ.
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