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Posts posted by yekcoh

  1. I came across a MySpace account (*GK, cough, GP, cough*) and some one posted a message to him. It referred to five Native American UND students who went up to Wayne Stenjhm and thanked him for the work he was doing re. the NC$$ lawsuit. This person called them a disgrace to their race, one of them had the initials CP, and said Wayne used their comments in court later that afternoon. I'm sure who ever CP is that his/her life is made miserable by the the name change group.
    Could it be Christopher Peltier, former president of the UNDIA, who resigned due to the criticism of those 5 vocal anti-Sioux name people who are good at getting their faces in the media all the time? Just why are the Indians who are for the name at UND always ignored? I didn't know that CP was for the name until he quit.
  2. If you ever drive from Fort Totten to Sheyenne, take notice of the new business that is along highway 281.

    About the same time that UND retired the Sioux-per Hot Dog stand, a propane business went up called Sioux-per Propane. I guess gas is better than hot dogs. :huh:

  3. This whole arguement is so tiring. And again, it will never cease to exist until the name is retired.

    But do you really believe that retiring the logo and name will make all of your problems cease to exist? We have learned from Dartmouth this week that it has really done nothing in the last 34-36 years to improve their problems. Maybe it would be best to seek the blessings and ask for help from the Sioux tribes in honoring the Sioux name and logo in the most fitting way.

  4. If UND lost their battle with the NCAA, would they be allowed to, as an example, be "Force of the North", and keep the current logo?

    Some Sioux say it is not a Sioux Indian in the logo, so could it be the "Spirit" of the past people who lived in the north? Not affiliated with any specific tribe, just a person of the past.

  5. What we're missing here is really a key point:

    Dartmouth changed their "Indians" moniker assumably to address the problem of race on their campus.

    What'd they get for their troubles?

    A) Teams and fans still think of themselves as the "Indians".

    B) Race relations don't seem to have improved in 30 years on their campus.

    Observation of reality and net result:

    Changing a moniker was a "feel-good" solution.

    Changing a moniker was bankrupt at addressing the real issues.

    Dartmouth has yet to address their real issues (but boy do they sure feel good about themselves).

    We could actually learn from Dartmouth. Those who want UND to lose the Sioux name need to take a hard look at what is going on at that campus. Has their name change (or lack of a name) done anything to improve racial tension? No, it appears to have only gotten worse. Could this happen at UND? I would hope not, but only history will show us. History that is still in our future.

    If you search enough, you will find that

    1. their cheerleaders used to dress in Indian costumes

    2. they had an Indian cheer called

  6. All I can say is "uff da"

    Biography of Governor Hoeven

    John Hoeven was born in Bismarck, North Dakota. He earned a bachelor's degree from Dartmouth College in 1979 and a master's degree in business administration from Northwestern University in 1981.
    At least he wised up and left Dartmouth to get his master's.

    On second thought I will say more.

    If the NCAA had stayed out of this in the first place, people wouldn't have even realized they were in "pain" over any of this. Almost like going to work and having everyone tell you that you don't look like you feel well, until you begin to actually feel sick.

    I have also heard some of the Sioux point out that it hasn't been "Sioux" Indians that have been vocal about a name change, but it has been Indians who belong to other tribes. Could this be because those tribes don't like that the "Sioux" are getting all of the attention? After all, we do feel that we are doing what we can to honor the Sioux. Much like a child being named after a special uncle or grandfather. We wouldn't have chosen the Sioux if we had not wanted it to be an honor.

  7. The Dartmouth - Debating Indian Mascots - Opinion Letter from August 2005

    Perhaps each university should investigate within its campus and decide whether a mascot change needs to be made based on its own situation. However, without considering each school specifically, the NCAA foolishly neglects the history and motivation behind each college choosing its American-Indian mascot.
    Just visit The Dartmouth and do a search for "Indians". Pretty interesting stuff going on at that place.

    A New Angle on the Mascot

    Past, present, future -- there can be no other representation, symbol or nickname for Dartmouth than the "Indians." But, let Dartmouth reclaim the Dartmouth Indian in a new light, as a proud symbol, intrinsically linked with everything Dartmouth must always strive to be.
  8. What I saw was Grieco being run into by a UAA player in the crease before the puck went in. And I also saw a Seawolves' stick knock in it.

    I saw that too. It should not have been a goal. But thats our friend Shep.

  9. I work for an ISP, and YES, they can trace activity from a computer on the Internet.

    When there is a complaint, it is handled through the police via a subpoena. This is the only time that we do the digging involved to gather information to trace "hacking" or "cracking" or any type of harassment that would warrant it.

    So yes, be careful what you do on the Internet, they will find you if you do anything illegal and someone goes to the police about it.

  10. Just wait until the animal rites crowd gets the ncaa to ban all of the schools with animal nicknames and logos. After all, how many Gophers, Badgers, and who knows what have been killed and thrown on the playing area. Not to mention the "(fill in the animal) suck" chants.

    Maybe not the animal rites crowd, but people who practice Hinduism...

    Reincarnation. Also known as
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