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Walsh Hall

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Posts posted by Walsh Hall

  1. 30 minutes ago, dynato said:

    This is what I would be mad about if I were you. Big business not flinching and showing it has no need for the 22M unemployed. 

    You aren't getting the difference between Wall St. and Main St.

    Wall St. is forward looking, Main St. is trying to figure out this afternoon.  Strong companies with strong balance sheets will be fine in 3 years.  P & G will be fine in 1 year.   The mom and pop diner unfortunately probably won't.

    That's not big business dissing the little guy, it's a completely different metric.

    • Upvote 3
  2. Imagine pitching the idea for a newspaper if it were a new concept today...  Okay, we have writers that write stories and we print them each morning and have someone go and throw the papers by people's front door so they know what happened in the world and community yesterday...

    The buggy-whip makes more sense.

    I wonder what percent of newspaper subscribers today only do so out of habit/auto-renewals?

     I agree that the newspaper business model is toast.



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  3. I don’t recall the specific numbers, but the birthdays of NHL draft picks are heavily weighted in the first three months of the year.

    It definitely makes logical sense.  Having almost a year of physical development advantage over some of the kids in youth hockey is a huge advantage.

    25 vs 26 year old makes no difference.  6 vs 7 year old is a different story.

  4. 30 minutes ago, MafiaMan said:

    In the interest of full disclosure, I worked for Forum Communications...until about noon yesterday.  I can confirm that NO businesses are advertising right now and this is among the FIRST things that businesses cut.

    You know who is LOVING this pandemic right now?  Facebook, that’s who.

    Yep.  There’s not much point in advertising if you aren’t open anyway.

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  5. 3 minutes ago, Oxbow6 said:

    Real data has never matched the projected numbers from models from day one. So if the number continually come in below "best case" projections, which they have at almost every turn, how long does this lockdown continue?

    Ideally?  At this point, stay the current course until April 27th.  April 27 - June 1 exercise social distancing.  Limited seating at restaurants, etc....  June 1, 2020 Open for business while continuing to use common sense.

    The Twins better be playing home games by July 9th so I can get my UND hat...

  6. 3 minutes ago, Siouxperman8 said:

    Again - those weren't his numbers.   They are based on science from the experts on what could happen if we did nothing.  It is a way to lay out your case to explain why you are taking the actions you are taking.  

    I will continue to take my information from epidemiologists and other experts in the field vs. a person on a message board bitching because not enough people have died.   


    The whole problem is that the experts largely have no clue.  They are taking their best guess, but obviously those best guesses are colored depending on many factors.

    For example, NY is dramatically below their "best case" projections, and those projections factored in full mitigation.  I suspect MN is the same.  Let's just hope that the projections continue to be on the high side.

    • Upvote 2
  7. 18 minutes ago, Oxbow6 said:

    So why are reported pneumonia deaths down dramatically since mid January? A positive influenza test is required to be classified as a flu death. Right now COVID deaths are being reported based on symptoms.....not even a confirmed positive test.

    I saw a good video on this.  It's just the reporting period.  There is always a lag in the reporting cause of death and 2020 is no different than the prior years.  All the other years had substantially similar reports as 2020 for the same time periods.

  8. Can the Mods start a thread for only medical experiences from the medical professionals, and questions for them?

    Leave the political crap for this threat, and have one for ONLY medical information.  Many folks here have actual first hand experience with how the medical facilities are dealing with this issue.  I'd like to hear from them.

    • Upvote 2
  9. 6 minutes ago, Redneksioux said:


    Please help me understand who is more of a public health risk....

    1. Liberal anti-vaxxer that refuses vaccinations because they cause autism

    2. Right wing conservatives that ignore self isolation recommendations 



    Have you done a survey to determine the political leanings of the folks on the beaches, mardi gras, etc.?

    My guess is the kids at concerts, mardi gras, licking toilets, lean more toward Bernie than trump...  (but undoubtedly there are morons out there in both political camps). 

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    2 minutes ago, Redneksioux said:


    Your 50,000 deaths from Corona is way off according to the experts and none of us will ever know what the numbers shoulda/coulda been if......


    There are a ton of unknowns, and also a ton of knowns.

    Unemployment even in our state is increasing dramatically.  There are not a lot of options for those folks.  This week I have personally had (2) young relatives in service industries lose their jobs.  Thankful our family is able to help them and they will be fine, otherwise they would be screwed.  Many folks are not so fortunate.  This is impacting the mental health of people, especially the younger folks.

    It's definitely a balancing act, but we need to implement a plan to restart the economy while taking all the reasonable precautions that we can. 

    At this point this is strictly about mitigating all classifications of damages.  

  11. You have to be incredibly good to be a top two line guy in the NHL.  Does Guch have the ability and skill set to be a 3rd or 4th line guy?  There's a long list of college scorers that ain't gonna be PP guys in the NHL, and don't have the skill set to be a 3rd/4th line guy.

    There's a reason guys like Porter/Rowney/Ryan Johnson get a shot in the NHL and Duncan, Kristo.... don't.

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  12. 19 minutes ago, TheFlop said:

    His game doesn't translate well to the NHL.  He's undersized and not particularly fast.  Nice college player though.  The same AHL/Europe money will be there whether he leaves this year or next. 

    If he leaves early his signing bonus won’t in the same universe as free agent AHL or Europe money.

  13. 44 minutes ago, Kermit's Luck said:


    If he would take a back seat to medical professionals re: messaging and stay in the back room working on the stimulus package and getting ventilator/mask/Rx/etc production ramped up to "wartime" levels, I'd give him a high five when this is all done and be glad we made it through. 

    You don’t think that’s essentially what he’s doing?

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  14. 23 minutes ago, Oxbow6 said:

    Let's play over/under...…….Dougie caves and shutters everything in ND by 5 pm Friday. I'll say under.....well before then.



    It's sure trending that way.  I'll take the under, which is probably bet down to -240 by now.  May need to adjust the line to Thursday 5:00 p.m.

    What's the action if I parlay that with school being done for the year and taking the under 1m deaths?

  15. My anecdotal story this morning - Went to a nice local donut shop in Bismarck this morning around 8:00.  Typically it’s packed with a 10-15 person line at that time.  Literally not one person there.

    I’m more concerned for consumer based small businesses than for the general public health.

    Take the necessary reasonable precautions and live your life!

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