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Posts posted by 82SiouxGuy

  1. It wouldn't make much sense for NDSU and UND to have exchanged checks in a home and home deal, would it? That's why no money changes hands in a home and home deal.

    That was the point I was making to your young friend.  That was one of the differences between UND playing a game against UNI and playing a game against NDSU.  UND got a check for the game against UNI, and wouldn't have gotten a check against NDSU.  Your young friend doesn't seem to understand how the business side of the game works.

  2. UND would not have got a paycheck from playing NDSU? Jesus I know you guys don't get much when you schedule us, but we give you a little more than bus money. You honestly don't think up until that point GT would not have accepted that same offer?

    The honest UND fans will admit that they wanted to burry us and thought it would hurt NDSU if UND did not play them. Just be honest dude and admit it.

    When schools sign home and home series, neither team usually gets a check from the other school.  The schools keep the gate from their home date.  So, no UND probably would not have gotten a check from NDSU.  Sorry you don't understand how that works.  The only reason that UND is getting paid for the 2 upcoming games that are both going to be played in Fargo.

  3. UND got a paycheck for playing that single game, just like when UND or NDSU goes to play a FBS team.  UND wasn't going to get that from NDSU during a home and home series.  And that single game against a FCS school was a trial run at a game against the upper division, much like NDSU playing Montana.  Not even remotely similar to signing an ongoing home and home series against a long term rival.  But keep trying to compare apples and pumpkins.

    • Upvote 1

    OK, so why didn't UND sign the 4-year contact?

    Do you mean in 2003?  What don't you understand about


    Not scheduling a game against a 100 year rival, located 70 miles away, in the same state, when you play at the same level of competition with equal scholarships would be considered "running".

    UND and NDSU were at the same level in Division II.  They returned to the same level when UND finished the transition to Division I FCS.  In between those years they weren't playing on a level field.

  5. One more time and after I am done arguing this with you. You can't argue with someone who has no idea what they are arguing about.

    2003 and 2004 GT BEGGED UND for a game. RT said no. 2005 no offered game. Starting in 2006 NDSU starts building this machine and beating FBS teams. UND comes knocking on the door, after thumbing their noses at NDSU and trying to burry us, and you think GT should just be all cherry and accept it?

    Before GT ever changed the terms, or however you see it, there was a gigantic arrogant dick named Roger Thomas who ruined this rivalry. We would not even be here discussing this today had Roger Thomas kept the rivalry game alive.

    Again, you expected UND to schedule the games when NDSU had a 27 scholarship advantage.  And with the conceited attitude exhibited by you and other Bison fans it is obvious that NDSU would have cancelled the series at some point when it would be convenient for NDSU.

  6. No but from 1994 through 2002 they were pretty successful. Talent pool was split.

    Older NDSU fans will explain to you that UND caught up because Division II would only let NDSU have 36 scholarships.  They couldn't stockpile players anymore.  Suddenly they had to play by the same rules as everyone else, and that wouldn't let them dominate any more.  That was unfair to NDSU in the minds of your fellow NDSU fans.

  7. I wouldn't consider not scheduling an OOC game with a team that has zero significant DI wins to be "running." If that's what you mean.

    Not scheduling a game against a 100 year rival, located 70 miles away, in the same state, when you play at the same level of competition with equal scholarships would be considered "running".



    UND didn't break a signed deal.  Roger Thomas refused to sign a deal.  Major difference.  And continuing to whine about it makes you sound like children.


    You wanted to keep playing the series when NDSU was going to have a 27 scholarship advantage.  Now the only way that NDSU will play is if they get to play at home.  NDSU will only play UND if they are given some kind of advantage.  They are afraid to play on a level playing field.  And even on those terms, when the future games were announced the NDSU staff acted like they would have like to be any place but announcing the contract.


    A group of NDSU fans keep telling us that they don't care about UND, and that UND is no longer a rival.  They keep telling us about these huge rivals in UNI and SDSU.  And they keep doing it on this forum over and over and over and over again.  We think thou dost protest too much.


    During that 50 year period UND has surpassed NDSU multiple times for extended periods.  This too will happen again no matter how much you believe otherwise.


    No one ever claimed that NDSU doesn't have an advantage right now.  But only the delusional would believe that UND won't overcome that advantage at some point, whether the football teams ever play on the field.  That delusional group seems to include you and many other Bison fans.  The pendulum will swing back and forth, just as it has done for decades.  And when UND has the advantage you will either be making excuses (Division II made NDSU have the same number of scholarships as everyone so it ruined their advantage) or continuing to whine about Roger Thomas (probably both).


    If you really had confidence in NDSU's ability to beat UND you would be looking forward to the games to prove it on the field and actually be able to brag about it.  Right now you're just blustering on a rival's forum.


    I'm several years older than 45, so I've probably been going to UND games as long as you have been going to NDSU games.  And that comment was mainly aimed at a 2011 alum of NDSU who acts like he knows everything when his comments show that he doesn't. 

    • Upvote 1
  9. I will also say that NDSU uses the Dome for practice whenever it really needs to plus has the bubble being built right now. Don't know if we will ever really need something like this.

    If the Dome is available any time NDSU needs it, then the folks running the Dome probably aren't doing the job they should be of keeping the building busy.  And bubbles have been known to collapse.  The permanent building that is dedicated to UND sports is a better option than the combo of Dome/bubble.  Especially when you consider that the track teams, baseball team and more are also going to be able to train in the building.

  10. Umm, your picture shows a field.

    And on the other side of the field it shows a building under construction.  The building is an indoor practice facility with a full football field.  You might want to have your vision checked.  I knew the poor Bison fans would be confused by the picture. 


    I would think that most athletes would appreciate a great practice facility they can use all winter over a television show being shot in the same city once or twice.  It's not like the players were actually down watching the show live.

  11. Nice picture...I like this one better:




    The advantages I was referring to really are obvious if you let yourself see them.

    Either that or they aren't nearly as important as you believe they are.  Indoor practice facility or appearance on television, who can tell which is more important. :whistling:

  12. If you want to play NDSU every year, why doesn't UND attempt to get into the MV?

    The MVFC doesn't want any more teams, and they certainly don't want any more western teams.  They have expressed that opinion more than once.  That is a major reason why UND ended up in the Big Sky.  That probably won't change until there is a change in membership in the actual Missouri Valley Conference, not just the branch known as the MVFC.


    As far as the turnaround in the 90's, that is just part of the cycle of sports.  UND and NDSU have traded superiority several times over the years.  And they will again whether the schools played or not.  It does speak to the mindset of your fanbase when you have a group that is so afraid of playing the game.  If you truly believed that your school was so superior you would be licking your chops at the thought of playing the game.

  13. UND beating NDSU will obviously help their program and hurt our program.

    Why did UND refuse to play NDSU even when the D2 playoff rules changed?

    Did NDSU ever propose a game after the rules changed?  And there would still be potential reasons for not playing if you are at different levels with different numbers of scholarships.  Schools play up against higher levels for big pay days.  If you are playing home and home series then you don't get the big payday, and would probably have to turn down other opportunities for that pay day.  If the schools are at the same scholarship level there are no reasons not to play the game, and that is the position I have held since the games were initially cancelled.


    I have talked to many NDSU fans all over the state.  The only ones that aren't eager for the games to resume are people that don't care about football.  Even casual fans want the schools to play.  The only place I've seen people that are against the games are when Bison fans complain on the internet. 

  14. The State of North Dakota, with all of the revenue it has, is an embarrassment in terms of higher education funding, let alone athletics.

    Every penny that goes into facilities is done through private donations. Hell the state won't even let UND and NDSU bond for athletic facilities.

    The students, alumni, and teammakers members are the ones who make NDSU's athletic success.

    Both schools have the same financial issues.  The rules have been pretty much the same for about 40 years and both schools have survived.  The State of North Dakota owns your school.  Therefore the citizens of the State of North Dakota do matter no matter what your small minded opinion might be.  The problem is that many Fargo citizens and NDSU fans can't get past their own delusions of grandeur.

    • Upvote 1
  15. This has all been fun, but I'm going to turn in my claim form and paperwork for what I'm owed based on the documented process and criteria. 



    I think that's the issue here: the Hardship Waiver paperwork is it  "apply" or "claim"? When you "apply" you're making a request, you're coming from a position of nothing or weakness and asking for something. When you "claim" you're demanding what's due you, coming from a position of strength and looking to validate the claim. (Yes, either can be denied.)

    You can also make an assertion or claim without any proof.  Most criminals claim that they're innocent.  They often are not innocent and still go to jail.  Miners file claims, not all of them are or were legal.  So I don't consider the word nearly as strong as you.  When you are applying you are often filing paperwork, which is what the NCAA lives on.

  16. Since you are into "facts" and symantics on the definition of words...please site in the NCAA manual where it mentions and defines this term "medical redshirt"?


    I'll hang up and listen....................

    The NCAA doesn't use the term medical redshirt.  That is a term the general public uses.  The NCAA uses the term hardship waiver.  That term is discussed in the section I noted earlier, Section 12.8.  They use that term to cover several different issues, in this case it would be a waiver of the 5th year rule.  Thanks for listening.

  17. Wow, all this over the word "apply". Where I live is a "shall issue" conceiled carry state. When I filled out the paperwork for mine, did I "apply" (ask for something I didn't have, as in apply for a job) or merely complete the paperwork for what I was already qualified for?

    Beyond that it's haggling over that word because the rest of the specs I mentioned are correct (<30%, none in second half of season). And yeah, the 2014-15 DI manual rearranged the section numbering, but not the criteria.

    The point remains in this case MarkMac would be granted the fifth year. If he wouldn't no one ever could be under the rules and process as written and defined.

    But most importantly, I'd rather have him recover quickly than have to mess around with process and committees.

    The word apply is important because a hardship waiver is not 100% guaranteed (even though you seem to think it is).  There are several of examples of hardship waiver applications that have been denied.  Most have been for transfers because of family illness (Ty Isaac, Ahmad Starks).  Deon Clarke is an example of someone that had a medical hardship denied.  The point is that waivers have been denied even though they seem to completely meet the criteria for the waiver as listed in the NCAA manual.  UND has had its' own issues with the NCAA.  You can't assume that Mark would get the waiver even though his looks like it would be a text book case.


    And more than likely you did apply for the Concealed Carry permit.  Did you fill out an application?  In North Dakota you have to fill out an "Application for Concealed Weapon" and the form includes "Instructions:  Applying for Concealed Weapon License."  So even if you were qualified to get the license or permit, you have to apply to actually get it.  Again, the definition of the word apply is to make a formal application or request.




    I was part of a tour of the Betty and Ralph a few years ago that my employer arranged for some out of town visitors.  Someone asked the tour guide how the Betty was paid for.   She said it is commom mis-perception that Ralph or the REA paid for the Betty.   She said it wasn't true and UND took a loan of over 7 million and was paying off the Betty out of athletic department revenues. It was named in honor of Betty, but the Engelstad family wasn't involved in paying for it.   I think if you look back, even in this forum, you'll see that is the case.


    Not sure on whose property the Betty sits...UND or REA.  But, for the expense of the building at least, the Betty was a UND project.


    According to the ICON website, architect for the project, Ralph Engelstad Arena was the client (http://www.iconarchitects.com/projects/athletics/betty-engelestad.html).  That fits with what I remember.  I believe that REA built the arena.  They wanted the space ready for World Juniors and were able to fast track it in a way that UND probably couldn't.  They also had more freedom to finance it in ways that the State Board of Higher Education may not allow UND to use, like borrowing money for the project.  I am pretty sure that REA pays for the Betty out of building revenues.  Indirectly you could say that UND is paying for the building since they get the profits from REA.


    UND owns all of the property that REA is built on and that the Betty is built on.  It is leased to REA for a very small amount.

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