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Posts posted by 82SiouxGuy

  1. NDSU doesn't need defending.


    UND fans, on the other hand, could use a little enlightenment.



    Your reading comprehension is weak.


    I never said that I was here to enlighten you...only that UND fans need enlightening. I couldn't care less if you get that needed enlightenment.

    You didn't say it, but you implied it.  When someone posted that you were here defending NDSU you said that NDSU doesn't need defending but UND fans need enlightenment.  That is an implication that your purpose in posting on this forum is to enlighten UND fans.  Of course, your real purpose is to troll.  60+ posts bragging about NDSU on a UND forum in a 24 hour period would support that trolling diagnosis.

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  2. Has anyone seen the purge?  Just imagine the 12 hours after, for the NDSU coaches and players, if UND beats NDSU next year (and breaks the streak!)  All those "We Want Bama" bandwagon fans, led by Lakes would enforce the purge on Bison in the Fargo area.  From what I have heard, most "NDSU" Fans want this game and are expecting to lose at some point.  All of the "Band wagon fans" want nothing to do with UND and are scared to death of losing any game, let alone to UND.  In there eyes, the Bison could compete with the worst team in the NFL, and they will throw out any stat to help their case.

    I think that you've nailed it.  Probably the best explanation I've seen.

  3. Actually one school won a national title, and the other won 8 national titles while they were playing each other.


    In any case, what's your point? I was responding to a post that said "nothing" beats a rivalry game. That's obviously not true.

    My response, which you quoted, was in response to the other NDSU troll currently littering this thread.  It wasn't responding to you.  Try paying attention as you troll.

  4. Dude, seriously, twice in the span of about a half dozen posts? For crying out loud, rent a porno, buy a Playboy, hop on www.farmersonly.com, whatever it takes. But do SOMETHING!

    You're obsessed alright...but not with football.

    Maybe he's one of those sex addicts.

  5. Celebrating  a National Championship beats the daylights out of a rivalry game.

    Yet you can enjoy a rivalry game every year and still have the opportunity to win a national title, even though national titles don't happen every year.

  6. They didn't get a good non conference FCS team. Didn't work out but not locking up the schedule kept options open.

    Which proves that your dream list is just that, a dream.  It has very little to do with reality.  Kind of like you.

  7. Please see #5.

    And which of those teams listed was a quality FCS team?  Isn't that #3 on your list?  Or doesn't #3 really matter?  Those are the 3 years that NDSU won the title.  None of the 3 years matched this ideal schedule that you described.  Yet somehow you have to match this ideal schedule to win the national title?  There is no connection between the reality and your dream.  Just an excuse for not playing UND.

  8. One thing about the plan renderings that catches my eye is the outdoor football and track practice area south of the stadium and IPF.  Is there really a need for an outdoor practice field in addition to an outdoor stadium (or in this rendering/dream scenario, a stadium with a removable roof)?  I'd think that area would be better used as additional parking, nothing fancy, even a gravel lot would do.

    Currently it is a grass field south of the stadium and artificial turf in the stadium.  Allows the team to prepare on whichever surface they will be playing on that week.

  9. 1.) 6 home games every year is important for revenue generation and for fan satisfaction.

    2.) Trying to get annual regional FBS games is important for revenue generation and recruiting.

    3.) Scheduling competitive nationally ranked non conference FCS teams is important for playoff positioning which helps us win National Championships.

    4.) Having a bye is important for player health which helps us win national championships.

    5.) Annual, but non renewing, home at NDSU games against cupcake teams is important to have early in the season to gain player confidence and for coaching experimentation.

    NDSU has followed this scheduling philosophy and the results have been fantastic. You start scheduling a non conference team annually and one of these has to go and limits NDSU's chances at a national championship.

    I have said time and time again that I would support UND's membership in the MV. They can do that, have an annual game against NDSU, and NDSU can continue doing the above to help them win national championships.



    Who is your FBS opponent next year? That cancels out #2. When you go to Montana and EWU how many home games you going to have with an FBS game thrown in there, that cancels out #1. What rank was IW, Ferris St, Weber St, Wagner, that cancels out #3. You are on a roll today.

    They played Lafayette and St Francis in 2011, doesn't fit his theory.  Robert Morris and Prairieview A&M in 2012 doesn't fit the theory.  Ferris State and Deleware State in 2013 doesn't fit his theory.

  10. SiouxSports.com...a place where Bison fans can enlighten University of North Dakota fans about football...and some other interests of theirs. 



    Ya and those games aren't annual against the same team are they?

    I know it is your wet dream to play NDSU annually rather than winning national championships. I get it.

    Here's another example for you.

  11. Ya and those games aren't annual against the same team are they?

    I know it is your wet dream to play NDSU annually rather than winning national championships. I get it.

    How does playing the same team make any difference in this scenario?  You have the same number of games to play.  You have the same number of conference games to play.  Does playing the same conference teams every year somehow hamper your efforts to win the national title?  The fact that you play the same conference teams every year destroys this very weak point you tried to make.

  12. What is foolish is the two state universities located 70 miles apart chose not to go D1 at the same time and did not end up in the same conference due to one university deciding to focus their time and resources towards defending a racial, hostel and abusive nickname instead of pursuing conference affiliation with other regional D1 universities.

    NDSU fans get that the biggest thing at UND is playing NDSU. This game, while fun, is not more important than winning national championships for the fans of NDSU. Playing a non conference team every year impedes NDSU's ability to maximize their chances at winning national championships.

    Another myth from the delusional NDSU fan base.  The length of schedule doesn't change whether NDSU plays UND or Incarnate Word or Weber State or Stoney Brook.

  13. I am going to let the past go. I guess it all worked out well in the end. In the decade after the divorce , NDSU ended up with 8 FBS wins, 3 national championships, and 2 appearances by College Gameday and also ended up getting our Rival to accept the most humiliating ridiculous terms for a college football series ever.

    UND ended up losing their nickname, losing to an NAIA school, and suffering from declining attendance.

    It has been a hell of a decade for this rivalry.

    We're happy for you.  You should run right over to BSville and tell them your story.  Someone might actually care.

  14. You must talk to a lot more NDSU fans than I do. In my experience, most NDSU Fans either don't care about the game, or don't want it. Very few have a strong desire to see the game played.


    The squeaky wheel does get the grease and there just aren't very many Bison fans squeaking for a UND game.

    What is so hard to understand?  I said that there was a loud group of boosters that make life miserable for the administrators.  It may be the same group of people that you speak with since you are taking so much time out of your life to post on a rival's sports forum.  They are the squeaky wheels. 


    Normal people aren't nearly as squeaky either way.  And most normal people don't actually have much access to Athletic Directors, unlike boosters.  Everyone I have talked with on both sides either wants the game or doesn't care about football.  I've talked to a lot of people around the state.  But I'm mainly talking to normal people, the ones that don't get a chance to be squeaky.  I have talked to UND boosters that want the game.  I rarely talk to NDSU boosters, at least about this subject, because I know that it will just cause trouble.

  15. Wait hold the phones. You are saying the NDSU administrators didn't seem like they wanted to play UND? Maybe, just maybe, is because the fan base of NDSU DID NOT WANT THE GAME, and they knew they would catch hell for scheduling this?

    No I gotta be wrong on this. Darell says the majority of NDSU fans wanted the game so that must be true. He has a much better understanding of NDSU fan base feeling on this than those who happen to be a teammaker.

    You would have thought if the majority of NDSU fan base wanted that game, the interim AD at NDSU at the press conference would have been thrilled to announce the deal and wouldn't have sat there looking like Magic Johnson did announcing he had contacted the deadly illness of AIDS.

    A loud group of boosters are either afraid of playing UND or are holding a grudge like a 12 year old girl.  They make life miserable for the administrators, that's why they weren't eager to make the announcement.  Normal NDSU fans, UND fans and a majority of the people in North Dakota want to see the game.  Remember, the squeaky wheel gets the grease.  Some of those boosters are really squeaky.

  16. Agreed, they were ill-prepared and should not have held a press conference.


    In any case, what is your point? It seems to be that NDSU was a little disorganized after losing two of its all-time best athletic administrators in quick succession. I'm not surprised by that.

    Redneksioux said that during the press conference it didn't seem like they wanted to play the games against UND that they were announcing.  You made an excuse about them being surprised by getting the deal and unprepared for the press conference.  My point was that they didn't even have to have the press conference, that it was unusual to have the press conference, so if they didn't like signing the deal they could have kept it to themselves by just not having the press conference.  Pretty simple even for a brand new administrator, and those folks are not brand new administrators.

  17. As I said before, they were surprised that UND accepted such a one-sided offer, and unprepared for a press conference. Not too surprising considering their AD and Head Coach had both recently left.

    They weren't required to have a press conference to announce the games.  UND didn't.  NDSU doesn't normally have press conferences just to announce future games.  Yet they felt the need to hold a press conference and show their displeasure about the deal that they had just signed.

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