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Everything posted by sagard

  1. The NHL labor problems combined with Blais not quite being done with his UND contract, I don't see why he'd leave. Unless of course, he got a now or never offer with a rediculous salary. Even then, it's not like Columbus won't be looking for a coach again in a year or two anyways.
  2. All right goon, you don't have to wear them. I don't think I'd feel right if you ever said anything nice about the Gophs anyways.
  3. You both need a pair of green and maroon glasses.
  4. That's Rick. It is/was probably accurate for some of the players at some points during last season. However, I'm guessing nobody would have said a bad thing about him in April of '03 and also I doubt any player would go on record saying that they hope Vanek leaves. I could be completely wrong and Rick could be completely right, but the truth is probably somewhere in the middle.
  5. Unlikely. I stopped hating the Sioux when Blake left. Would any of you consider saying that about the Gophers now that Hauser is gone?
  6. There have been worse Gopher goalies. Hauser did win at both the old and new Ralphs'. Of course I think he may have been pulled in both arenas as well.
  7. Classic. Does that mean it's only another 55 years or so 'til I see another Stauber like goalie for my team?
  8. Chat room media is decent for road games. For the reasons you pointed out, it needs to be on an invitation only basis.
  9. Where did you get the stats PCM and are Gophers stats at the same place? I'm guessing the late either the '75, '81, were the "best" Gopher teams to fail to claim the title. The '88 or '89 teams were awfully good as well. I tend to agree that last years UND team was seemed a sure bet to win it, but it didn't shock me as much as when the '99 UND team lost. Even after the Final Five, I didn't think the Gophers would win the NCAA's until UND got beat. Of course that feeling lasted only about 12 hrs.
  10. Heck, CC, SCSU and UW can relate about drawing Michigan. I don't intend to try to group the AAU title with the NCAA titles and make a 7 > 6 arguement. However, I do not have a problem with the 1940 banner hanging at Mariucci. Based on the teams record it was clearly the best Gopher team in the programs first 50 years (maybe ever, I didn't see them play ) and it is the only unbeaten, untied Gopher hockey team ever. The '26 Gophers were undefeated, but had three ties in only 11 games. Just think, in 17 years you all are going to get awfully sick of the 100th Aniversary of POI.
  11. - Had the 1997 Sioux not gotten "lucky", I really think either the '98 or the '99 Sioux would have pulled it off. Also it was really just a great draw, they didn't need luck in any of those games. The draw opened up the tourney like the '02 tourney opened up for the Gophs. - The 13 Regular Season Titles is in fact amazing. - 1940 Gophers were unbeaten, untied and had Mariucci on the team. They also beat three collegiate opponents in a weekend to claim the AAU title. Believe it or not, hockey was played a little before UND got their act together. - Last year the WCHA Final Five was nearly as strong of a field as the Frozen Four. Had DU or UW not slipped up, arguements could have been made that it was as strong as the Frozen Four field. It still had three of the top five teams in the nation just like the Frozen Four. It will be rare that the Final five doesn't have two of the top four teams in the nation.
  12. I certainly wanted Ballard to return, but this does not compare to losing P. Martin last year. Add P. Martin to the '03-'04 Gophs and I think they would have been a Frozen Four team and stayed a lot closer in the WCHA race. Add K. Ballard to the '04-'05 Gophs and we have a team that will still be facing a superior opponent in a NCAA Quarterfinal. This year it is at Mariucci so I still like the Gophs chances, as I always probably will.
  13. I qualified it. IF the Sioux are playing the Gophers @ Columbus they won't be facing better goaltending. Your obviously right, but there is a good chance that the Sioux might have to face a couple of guys like Montoya or Howard. Of course the Sioux could face the BC sieve and Briggs making me look silly.
  14. I pretty much agree with you PCM. I just laugh when we Gophs fans argue with Sioux fans about each others 'tenders. Even if I grant you Reichmuth, the Sioux goalies are still at best third in the league last year. Let alone how bad my teams goalie was capable of playing. But in the end, I guess it is a lot better than the old Parise/Vanek thing. For the record, I've always thought Brandt to be perfectly capable. From a distance the biggest problem with the '02-'03 Sioux was that Brandt didn't get to play enough down the stretch, especially after a bad night.
  15. I wasn't guessing or throwing out bs. Your info has been posted before, and Deano's actions like playing Kollar against SCSU back it up.
  16. Statistically better. I would still have picked Bruckler, Berkhoel or Reichmuth over either the Sioux or the Gophers goaltenders. You can say all you want, but if UND makes the Frozen Four next year their opposition will have better goaltending. Unless of course they are playing my favorite team. This isn't to say a team can't win it all with a subpar goaltender (Hauser), or that an otherwise average at best goalie (Weber) can play outstanding at the Frozen Four. I will grant you that I don't think the Sioux's goaltending will hurt them next year, nor did they hurt the Sioux this past year. Maybe a little against the Gophs at the X, but we all know that you guys don't really care about that game too much anyways.
  17. I think we are all too hung up on each other. I love stats, but I don't care what stats Briggs, Parise or Brandt post. Last year I would have picked Berkhoel, Bruckler, or Reichmuth over any of the above. I'm guessing there will be three more WCHA goalies next year that I'd take over a Sioux or Gopher goalie.
  18. Well see. I'm sure you all won't be too pleased when the Sioux get the top seed for the Mariucci regional next spring. No ducking out against Ferris this time OK?
  19. While I think the puck was entirely across the line, the goalie made it way to close to call. What I didn't like was the lack of review. It reminded me too much of the horrible Dallas/Buffalo fiasco. It's too bad, Tampa will be back, I don't think Calgary will be. It would have been very nice to see them win.
  20. I really didn't think the '02 UND team could stick with the '02 Gophers during the playoffs, right up until UND potted the tying goal with under a minute left in the second game. Then the OT was back and forth. Then the famous ending. It may be because my season tickets are right behind the end Hauser defended twice for four years, and that I became a Gopher fan in '81 that I always had a little doubt in the back of my mind.
  21. Don't alot of longtime Sioux fans fondly remember J. Archibalds fights vs. the 37 goals he scored his senior year? Ballard's play will always be near the top of a Gopher fan's list of favorites. Other than his opening goal in the '02 Final, it was likely his most significant goal.
  22. Forget Bo. Let get Greene, Jones or both inked. Then I'd say the WCHA would be officially up for grabs.
  23. I've never thought Ballard was anywhere near Leopold or Martin in defensive ability and I have always questioned whether or not he could make it to the NHL. Everybody else has always loved him, and obviously he will get a shot at some point.
  24. The thing about the "Ballard Play" was that the Sioux had owned the Gophs for basically five years, especially in the games that counted. The Gophs had done very well against the Sioux that season, but I was still worried about that best of three series. When the Gophs grinded out that OT game, including a huge save by Hauser on I think Bayda all alone in the slot, I thought it was finally the Gophers year. Basically that play served as payback for the all too frequent third period collapses in Grand Forks.
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