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Everything posted by sagard

  1. Of course in that game Briggs gave up one to UND, UND had only around 7 or 8 shots the last two periods and they did score. It just didn't count. That said, Briggs did have a pretty good stretch of decent play last year. He just didn't really peak at the end of the season in my opinion. He won't be the reason the Gophers fail to win the WCHA this year, and was the reason last year.
  2. sagard

    World Cup

    We did brag about it last year. At the time the only reason for leaving the program was to go run a country.
  3. I guess I didn't really think there was a chance Vanek would actually return. After hearing Lucia, there may be a chance albeit a small one. Despite what some say about chemistry (both Sioux and Gopher fans) I think the Gophers are a better team with Vanek. I think they are 8-10 points back of the WCHA champ either way, but having Vanek would give them a lot better chance of pulling off an upset in the NCAAs.
  4. I didn't mean to imply that you can look disparagingly at the Gophers this year, I certainly looked at the '01-'02 Sioux with little reguard. As for season outlooks, offensive production can be replaced a lot easier than defense. Although special players like Parise/Vanek/Bochenski are not easily replaced. The Gophers have to replace both offense and defense and are extremely unproven. That said, I don't see five WCHA teams better than them. UND, UMD and maybe UW. Pretty even with DU and CC. The scary part for me is that the Gophers will not have the ability to absorb any of the injuries that are part of the game. Also it is unknown whether or not JJ will return to his role of adequate backup like he played in '02. For the Sioux, you all get to sit back and enjoy the ride. I don't see anyway they will be less than a top two WCHA team (my pick to win the league) and likely a top seed at Mariucci for the regional. If the Gophers can qualify, maybe we will get the quarterfinal we missed out on in '03. The only team that the NCAA will ever take care of is the HockeyEast champ. They will no doubt be isolated from any decent WCHA tourney teams until the inevitible whipping at seasons end.
  5. We all know the Gophers will suck and the Sioux will rule, but don't cry about Mariucci hosting regionals. The Sioux would be very lucky to get seeded there all things considered. The toughest draw would be a thin Gophers team, but compared to going to Van Andel or out east the Sioux would be far better off coming down to Mariucci. Not to mention the fact that next year the roles will be reversed and the Sioux will have a very young team hosting an NCAA regional.
  6. It might be a cryptic message meaning the Sioux really aren't that interested. I'm sure Rick will clarify at some point.
  7. My main thought (though it is not original) is that in the past the NHL has allowed players to enter the league under the CBA of which they were drafted. For Vanek, becoming a free agent would likely mean entering the league under the new CBA. Not a good thing for him as I'm sure there will be limits placed on rookie free agents. With BB, he is a 7th round pick and basically has to take what he is offered. If he were to become a free agent he could probably get a much larger first contract even under the new CBA. BB has clearly shown a lot more potential than most 7th rounders and wants to be paid accordingly. Ottawa obviously wants him to take low round draft pick money.
  8. I don't think whether or not a scholarship is available would be the deciding factor in this situation. BB is obviously going to make some money playing professionally at some point and a years worth of student loans wouldn't break him. I think it comes down to whether or not he decides his offer is good enough. Though trying to become a free agent would make a lot more sense for him than Vanek, I don't know the rules so I'm not even sure that is feasible.
  9. You are absolutely hitting the nail on the head here in my opinion.
  10. Those Q and A's are pretty cool. Do any of you remember this? I know it has happened in the past, but I honestly don't remember it in '00-'01 through '02-'03 when Hale played.
  11. I don't think the Sioux will dominate the WCHA this year with or without BB. They will still be my pick to win the WCHA, but I don't expect to see the outrageous goal differential they put up last season. I echo Dagies thoughts on Bacardio, no way would he make this stuff up. It may not turn out this way, but it certainly might.
  12. Which of course leads to the fact that he (and Vanek) are both still likely close to signing.
  13. Yes, but to me these two have earned that right with their past performance (I'll grant it to Vanek, you can judge BB). Both teams are stocked deeply at forward and I don't think either coach expects them to return.
  14. Completely agree. Neither wants to return, in the end neither will.
  15. Yeah, but Jason Blake is doing OK in the NHL and Ballard will likely do well eventually as well.
  16. Only deluded Gopher fans thought the "M" had a magic aura that would keep players all four years. The majority of the players who can get solid offers will leave, I don't care where they attend. Between Taffe, Martin, Ballard and likely Vanek, it is the P. Martin departure that hurt the most. Add Martin and his 25 minutes of ice time to last years Gophers and I doubt we'd be hearing about Vanek's attitude issues. Less than 60 days.
  17. Isn't this type of recruiting why someone said the Gophs lost out on Bochenski?
  18. I have no doubt that much of what Rick spews about Vanek and the Gophers is based on truth. He just typically extends it a little to try to get under Gopher fans' skin. He is clearly the most polished Sioux fan in that reguard. The other thing is that being a locker room "cancer" and actually being detrimental to a teams performance are usually independent items. At times during select games last year I'm sure Vanek was both. However, when you look at the Gophers as whole as ask whether they are better with or without Vanek, the answer will always be that they are better with him. That said, I do hope he gets his contract. As a Gopher fan, he came through we they needed him most in '03 and I won't ask for more. If he is left with no choice but to return, I hope he takes a good look in the mirror and works to improve in all aspects.
  19. Sadly the Sioux are still the favorites. It just shows how far ahead of everyone they were for the regular season last year. I'd say UW and UMD are getting closer and if the Gophs have no more early departures they are somewhat close, but UND unless they lose two defensemen are still the best in the league until beaten. Of course that won't mean than much when the Final Five is concluded and the NCAAs begin.
  20. I disagree completely with you two. If UND wanted BB for four years he should have been taken out of high school, of course that still isn't a guarentee but gives a program a better chance at getting four years from a star player. If you saw any lack of effort out of BB I guess I could see some resentment, but I don't think that is the case. The only reason Parise handled it so well (early) is that the Devils made it such an easy choice for him.
  21. I have no direct insight, just what the shooter put in his column last week. He implied more defensemen may not return.
  22. I'm still picking the Sioux for the WCHA title, but if the Sioux lose a defensemen the WCHA will in fact be a toss up. Seems as though my favorite team is not likely done losing players either.
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