Every one of you call yourself Sioux fans, huh? I know this is my first post here at Sioux Sports but give me a friggin break...you're a bunch of pricks to think that Fabian, Massen, and Canady don't go out game in and game out skating their A$$e$ off! If there is line in the WCHA that hasn't WORKED harder, prove it to me. Yeah they may not produce numbers wise, but when you control play and not allow any goals, that is far better than having a negative +/- rating. We have Goal-Scorers, Playmakers, Hustlers, Bruisers, these guys are Hardworkers and ripping them doesn't show any faith for what these guys have done!!! Good things happen to those that work hard and look at Fabian and Canady, Each have scored just as much as Drew and Brady in the last 6 games!!
Fight the Good Fight ladies and Gentlemen....just don't rip on guys that produce defensive hockey. If we wanna rip on anyone lets look at the entire season up to the last two series for Smaby and Schneider...disappointing.....but lately lookin real Good!!!