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Everything posted by Sioux-cia

  1. Meaningless? Won't this affect their PWR??
  2. wooooooohoooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. Are these announcers for real?? They're not making an effort in order to avoid injuries?!?
  4. Ooops, 4-0, even better!!
  5. Just got home. What a sweet sight!! 3-0 Sioux, YEAH BABY!!!!!
  6. Just got home. What a sweet sight!! 3-0 Sioux, YEAH BABY!!!!!
  7. Good night. See ya tomorrow night. And once again, thanks for the company!!
  8. Listening to the announcers, it sounds like CC has more to gain with a win tomorrow than DU. CC wins the Golden Bedpan, 3-0.
  9. Who do we want to win tomorrow? Besides us....
  10. I'm confused, (no jokes please!!). Are DU and CC playing in Denver tonight and in Colorado Springs tomorrow? Oh and are the announcers from the local junior high? They sound really young but much better than the SC anouncers who were morons, IMHO.
  11. Awright, CC scores, 3-0. 9minand 12 sec left in the 3rd
  12. Tap into the wine pipeline, you'll feel better. Oh, and you better refill it before I come home next week! I know where you live!!
  13. You're listening to the game aren't you?!?
  14. Some time tonight I went over 5000 posts! Damn, I need to get a life!!! : Oh wait, SiouxSports.com is my life!!!
  15. Is there a web cast available for this game. I still want to watch hockey and the internet is my only option.
  16. He'll be found in the spring, stiff and sore but well preserved due to the large amount of formaldehyde alcohol in his system.
  17. OK. He's a 'features' writer and is writing a column about the quarter. When I asked him how he found me, he said that his paper was running the voting for the quarter and their computer,or something (I don't remember how), told them that a large number of votes for the Code Talker quarter originated from SiouxSports.com and he found my post.
  18. Nope, MSN videos on line!! It's like a horrible accident, you don't want to look but you can't look away!
  19. Wow, that must mean there's a nipple in there. I woulda thought that when they're stretched that tautly, the nipple would disappear.
  20. Sorry all these big boobed blondes look the same to me. But I wonder, when they die, do the boobs still live?!?
  21. Didn't she just die and was buried today??
  22. I fixed it! But you still caught it!! Must be cause I guzzled that last glass of wine! Oh, I almost forgot to tell you, a Scott Craven from the Arizona Republic contacted me and I gave him a telephone interview. It had to do with the Arizona quarter but I turned it into a Sioux name and logo thing. Told him that NA's need positive images such as the Fighting Sioux name and logo and the Code Talkers quarter.
  23. UGH!! I'm glad I don't have to watch that drivel!!
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