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Everything posted by crosby_87

  1. On a side note, former Gopher Adam Hauser is playing for the Kings(He came in in relief of Garon) and he has 17 saves on 21 shots so far.
  2. North Dakota High School Hockey standings and stats
  3. I caught the end of the Minot-BHS game tonight, and Minot won 2-0(empty net goal). It was 0-0 until about 3 minutes left to play i believe. I was only at the third period, but it seemed to be a very even end to end game, and both goalies were coming up huge. Minot got a breakaway out of the penalty box with 3 minutes left and put it in. Hillman for BHS looked very good from what I saw tonight.
  4. Don't forget that we just had an unbelievable recruiting class that is also a big recruiting class. There were what, 13 recruits? We have small senior classes the next few years, so you won't see us getting so many awesome recruits every year in my opinion. As of now, it looks like we're fine for next year. We only have a few people graduating. I'm not worried about it, as Hakstol and Berry have always been two of the best recruiters in the game. I also think it's nice to see smaller, skilled players(trupp) coming to UND and they will be four year players, and as we know from the WCHA history, the older teams have had a knack for winning. So I wouldn't be too worried.
  5. Not sure if this has been mentioned anywhere, but former Minot High School player(would be a senior this year had he not left early) Jordan Willert made the USHL all star team for the western conference. That is very impressive, and it's nice to see North Dakota get some representation. As I look down the roster, neither of the two North Dakota recruits(Marto and Vandevelde) from the USHL made the teams. Here is a Link.
  6. So basically put it off until next season?
  7. I don't see anything wrong with wearing a jersey to a game. Most people do. If that's depicted as racism, then that's just sad if you ask me. Remember that right around the "4-6 years ago", UND got their brand new jerseys and everyone loved them because of the awesome logo. Almost everybody I know personally has a Sioux jersey, and it is because they love their school and what it stands for. None of them spent up to $100 on the jersey just to be "racist" or "hostile" or "abusive" towards anybody. Just think about it for a second. If you have ever gone to a pro hockey or football game, you will see that about 3/4 of the people have their home team's jerseys on. I honestly don't see the problem with this.
  8. Thank you both. I figured that, but I just wasn't sure.
  9. Could somebody tell me(I'm not able to watch the game) why Walt Kyle pulled schneider with the score 2-2? I guess there must be some reason, so could anybody tell me?
  10. Hopefully the game ends 6-5 with the USA winning. I want Oshie to have a hat trick with Lee and Chorney each getting 3 assists. I also want another US player to score(preferably not you know who) so they get 4 goals in the period. I then want Toews to get 3 breakaway goals with just incredible highlight reel moves(unassisted of course) and then it will end 6-5 US. Sorry guys I'm in a dream world right now.
  11. I disagree. While Galbreath and Mihulka have especially stood out, it's tough to pick just 3 forwards in a very tough class. They might be on some people's lists, but not others. If you have seen Michael Hillman from Bismarck play(I've seen him play 3 times this year) he has been absolutely unbelievable. Ask any Fargo South player who the toughest goalie they've played against this year has been. I'm sure they'll tell you it was Michael Hillman. He looked very good in there. But again, depending on who has seen who play, everyone's all state teams would be different.
  12. I think I agree with everything Redwing said. They are two very different players. I hate to say it, but IMO Zajac will be the better NHL'er . He just possesses so many traits right now. They both have great speed, and Travis is very very strong on the boards to fight for loose pucks, like a center should be. Maybe it's just a dumb hunch and I know I might be wrong, but i stand by my prediction(and no I do not hate parise, I absolutely loved him while he was at UND).
  13. The chant "Ovechkin SUCKS!" was priceless last year.
  14. Yeah probably the nicest "Ugly" i have ever seen.
  15. 6-1 now, Canadian crowd absolutely erupts when norway scores.
  16. The refs sound like they don't even know the rules of the game, not telling anybody what the situation is, dropping the puck while US has too many men, calling a penalty, then taking it back, and then the entire USA team has no idea what is going on, they think they're shorthanded, and they ice it, but really it is even strength. If anyone thinks that sounds confusing, try listening to the game. Sounds like everyone is clueless as to what the refs are doing.
  17. They're calling penalties as soon as the puck is dropped. *Edit* Jack Skille just scored. Not sure of the assists.
  18. They just said that coach Walt Kyle loves his Oshie-Skille-Gerbe line, and they have been dominating so far this game. Good news for Sioux fans "Paukovitch line isn't getting much ice time".
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