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Bison Dan

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Everything posted by Bison Dan

  1. I trust few countries on their China Virus count.
  2. So What - Hospitalizations and deaths are what we need to worry about.
  3. How about Obama bowing to all the world leaders? Oh and apologizing to them for America's greatness.
  4. Right - The story falls apart when you find out the helicopters were grounded and the French didn't want ground transportation. Secret Service canceled trip and the story goes on to say Thrump didn't want to get his hair wet but the next day he stands in the rain for a hour. Haters going to hate.
  5. Already being said that the security people canceled the trip not Thrump. Story is falling apart. LOL
  6. Already being disproven by people that were there and people that made the security decisions. LOL Believe anything - Russians etc.
  7. This is total bs and doesn't pass the smell test - but hey you were all in on the Russian thing so why not.
  8. LOL - Give me a break - who's been trying to destroy President Thump since day one. As far as McCain and others they started the criticism and Thump hits back. He's not W who let the left walk all over him and didn't say a word. This article is a joke.
  9. Why are they poor? Dysfunctional governments. Look at our school lunch programs. Back when I went to grade school (60's)we had subsidized lunches which is great and people weren't as well off as today. Today we provide breakfast, lunch, after school lunch and weekend lunches. Some parents have abdicated their responsibility in caring for their children and now let the state do it.
  10. Yeah it could, everywhere there is dysfunctional governments.
  11. If you go hungry in this country it's mostly self-inflected.
  12. Think about it - if these were true the House would be all over it. The trouble with you is you believe your own propaganda. Sad.
  13. It sounds like you are one of those ashamed of the so called white privilege you think you have and you really hate this country.
  14. Yeah use today's values for a country trying to form 250 years ago.
  15. How many kids went hungry when she fucked with the school lunch program? Ask any janitor how much food they through out during the Obama years.
  16. They'll be looking for outstate MN money to rebuild. Have fun.
  17. You must belong to the "Arts and Croissant" crowd - a bunch of pompous self important assholes that always think they'll the smartest one in the room.
  18. This is why we need to take the house back - what have they done in the last 4 years besides investigate Thump? These are political statements nothing else. Americans are sick of this.
  19. When you have a mob breaking into a gated community that has been burning and looting they have every right to have a show of force. I'm sure you'd have invited them in!
  20. Just shows that protesters on private property have more rights than gun owners on their own property according to Dem's.
  21. I disagree - I was actually around when Reagan was President and he was America first and his foreign policy not much different. EU didn't like him either and Thump is all for free trade. You can't say we had that the last 20 years and Mr. Thump has the balls to do something about it. Both Reagan and Thump were for controlled borders.
  22. What policies does Reagan and Thump differ?
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