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Bison Pride

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  1. What was the content of my original post? Where did I laugh and rub it in? Maybe you offended by my other idea - the pissed off Norwegians? I've been a member here for 7 years, was I supposed to change my name so you wouldn't be so sensitive about offering a few suggestions, since even the Governor has thrown in the towel? I used to live in Grand Forks and I have a lot of friends that attended college there. I also have immediate family that attended there. My name reflects where I went to school. I'm proud of it, but I'm even more proud to be a lifelong North Dakotan and I can speak intelligently on matters of both fine Universities without name calling or other trivial BS that goes on between the two schools. Those that can't, should get over it and move on with their lives. Back in the day it was cool, "yeah, we hate them because of..............(insert stupid reason here)" but it's just dumb now. My son is a sophomore at NDSU and he couldn't care less about the old rivalry. He thinks people that carry on with this type of behavior are being ridiculous. That's a lot more mature than some of the stuff I read on message boards, and he's an actual student. What kind of lesson are we teaching our children when we tell them to behave, but then act like hypocrites and start name calling people because they go to a certain University? By the way, you were wrong about me coming here to laugh and rub it in. I have more respect for the administrator here than that.
  2. Roughnecks Lady Roughnecks Kelly Green (market everything as the Green Machine) Prairie Fire The ICBM's The Riverkeepers The Flying Aces The Homesteaders Here are some honest ideas, thanks for the negative reps guys!! Way to act like an adult! Personally I would go with Kelly Green. It's Simple and UND can use a Green Machine logo, like a bulldozer or something. You wouldn't have to change any colors or non Sioux things either. Or Roughnecks and Lady Roughnecks. Since the university represents the entire state and we are becoming known as oil rich hard working people.
  3. Thought you guys might enjoy this. I'm not sure if it's posted anyplace else here yet. Tony Hrkac http://www.twincities.com/sports/ci_12406513
  4. Bison Pride

    2009 Flood

    I went over to the Fargodome today and there were buses lined up from UND. The story about the guy who came down and didn't get much done sucks, and it's probably not the only case. I would bet that those homeowners that are desperately fighting the clock appreciate every person, even if they only were able to help a little bit. I don't know how many came down but there had to be a lot of them to take that many buses.
  5. Wrong again. http://www.wday.com/tv/?page=video&vid=29_jtciggaro
  6. A lot of people are excited to see the new Urban Plains Center, so they are in a great position to market tickets for first year season ticket holders. Unfortunately NDSU basketball still plays in the old BSA. Look for them to get a great boost for both men and women when they finally break ground on the new Fargodome addition. In any event, there are a lot of hockey fans in the FM area, personally I'd like to see Minot or Bismarck build something similar to the Urban Plains to help grow hockeys popularity out west. But due to the associated costs of hockey it will never take the place of basketball and wrestling outside of a handful of communities. The Jr. Gold teams help, but there are still too few opportunities for rural ND.
  7. As a Fargo resident, and someone who has previously worked many years in the bar industry, this is completely freaking awesome! I look forward to taking my son out for a beer on his 21st birthday in a few years and not having to choke on other peoples "rights" to do it. Just my opinion.
  8. If scholarships would have been available instead of walk-on offers, they might all been going to NDSU, it doesn't really matter. The name of the game for mid-major recruiting is early interest and early committments. Why does jealousy and petulance enter into every topic here?
  9. It should be a good situation for him, a scholarship offer and better and better challenges each year. All while being close enough for his family to watch him play. Good luck Jordan.
  10. The fierce competition between the two schools has enabled them to become outstanding institution in both academics and athletics. Take that away and you have two mediocre schools in fairly isolated locations. I'll continue to take the competition in athletics and program offerings.
  11. His reponse was that the automatic language filters used for keeping profanity off the board had kicked in about 4 times in your post. I believe the moderator who banned you works with young people in the school system and he's a stickler for the rules. It appears the suspension is only 2 more days, Thanks.
  12. I have sent a message to the moderator asking for some information why you were given a temporary ban. Since the message you were given states "language" I assume you were using either profanity, or veiled profanity. Maybe that's it, maybe it isn't. The PM was probably the message from the moderator telling you why you were banned. This happens occasionally, since many of the readers are pretty young we really try to keep a handle on what is posted. As any moderator here could tell you moderating a message board can be a real challenge at times, sometime you have to make judgment calls and you just hope they are the right ones. We try to keep the site fun and "family friendly", perhaps he didn't think your comments were in line with that. I don't know I am waiting for the response from our moderator. In any event, since the ban was a short one you are more than welcome to post when the ban is done, sorry I was delayed in my response. Thanks, Happy Holidays!
  13. Does anybody know how many recruits UND is targeting to sign on signing day? I would imagine a lot given the scholarships increase.
  14. UND's facilities blow EWU's away in comparison. Also he has ties to UND and very good fan support. He ain't going to EWU, I doubt they could even pay him what UND does.
  15. This is a silly argument under a recruiting topic. What's it supposed to mean, that UND's new recruiting cry is "come to UND we smell better!"
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