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Posts posted by JESUS,family,rutgers

  1. Hi Jim,

    Trying to find things in the new format,but having some difficulty. I tried using the help,but as far as my computer literacy goes,it might as well be written in Hungarian.A few things I am having trouble with--

    Where are the personal messages now?

    Do I need to look up the members' name first to send a personal message to them?

    When posting,how do I include a website link?

    Thanks for any help and thanks as always for all the work you do.

  2. Well,that settles it--I'll be parking in Darrell's parents' driveway!!! ---Not worried about traffic since I live in a state that has 8 million people and is the size of a postage stamp.The walk from campus to the stadium sounds good.I wish the restaurants around here had shuttles to games,but I want to get to the arena with plenty of time to wander around.

  3. Villanova may not be in this poll much longer. The Big East has officially invited them to move up to Division 1-A and become a football-playing member of the conference.They play in a 12,000 stadium and the town of Villanova is very much against stadium expansion so if they move up,they would have to play in the Philadelphia Eagles' stadium,Franklin Field on the U Penn campus,or a new pro soccer stadium being built fairly close to their campus.

  4. Here is a highlight of a great RB from New Jersey. Go to www.youtube.com and type in lindon run. I know the kid personally.He is deciding between North Dakota and Rutgers. Kind of a night owl,but he goes to class and gets along well with others. I know he prefers popsicles to salt water taffy so that may bode well for North Dakota !

  5. UND Fan,

    As of now,I am hoping to be out West for the November 5-6 hockey/football/hockey weekend. Hoping to find airfare for less than $400 from Newark or Philadelphia.--Sioux Yeah,who was the former Rutgers player you met in Minny.By the way, Ryan D'Imperio just made the Vikings practice squad at fullback which was not his position at RU.

  6. Pat Sweeney just called me and said he will be taking the Duluth series off. Jim Scanlon and I will be handling the announcing for both games (mostly me). Pat asked me to pronounce Rastislav Spirko and he said the gig was mine. Mrs. SiouxMeNow and the great staff at FSSN will televise the games in a special split screen format. On the bottom right will be the game and on the rest of the screen fans will get to to see the main reason they tuned in--ME.

  7. Siouxmenow,

    Someone of my stature is far too refined to eat at the Grease Trucks.


    I am surprised by now you haven't realized my arrival will be celebrated as a statewide extravaganza. I requested the Bismarck Chamber Orchestra because it wouldn't be fair to the rest of the state if Grand Forks receives all the glory of having me amongst them.

    Celebration update---Anamoose has just named their freeway system after me.

  8. If all goes well, I am looking at the Minnesota-Duluth/UC-Davis weekend. I checked the website and the America looks fine--$80 per night. In New Jersey,it would cost more than that to house a cat or dog!!!--By the way,Siouxmenow, sorry about calling you Elaine. It could be worse--I called her Mike! I expect the UND band will be at the airport along with Coach Hakstol and the FSSN TV crew. Maybe you can even get Phil Jackson to show up. Maybe Widmans can make special "R" chocolates and if I go to the Italian Moon or Whitey's they can play "Born To Run" when I walk in?

  9. I am thinking about going out to North Dakota for my first trip. Hoping to hit a football/hockey weekend. Do any of you have suggestions about a clean,reasonably-priced hotel? Looking for something like a Red Roof Inn type level. Also,is it easy to get a rent-a-car at the GF airport? Any other travel tips would be appreciated.

  10. Everything we are hearing here in New Jersey says it is 99.9% certain they will invite Rutgers into The Big Ten ( I still can't believe this is even a possibility considering the bungling of our sports programs from 1977 until about ten years ago). Are you guys in North Dakota and other Midwest states reading and hearing we will definitely be invited? Thanks for any comments.



    By the way, Rutgers does have a club hockey team but I think with Title 9,we would have to come up with A LOT of money to add two more Division 1 sports teams.

  11. Thank you for another terrific season North Dakota players,coaches, and fans. Despite yesterday's downer loss (and the game not being televised on Fox College stations here in New Jersey), the last half of the season has been quite a roll. Enjoyed watching the team in person at Cornell. Thanks again for FSSN and Fox televising so many games to those outside of the Upper Midwest area. Looking forward to the schedule being released to see if I can make it to my first game in Grand Forks. Most importantly, best of long-range health for Chay Genoway.



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