Here is what I meant by IT, and why I believe it is held on passionately by fans, which can be attributed by Mr. Englestad himself. These are statements written by him which are referenced from "Fight on Sioux";
"Hopefully, the Ralph Englestad Arena will inspire future alumni to follow that treasured tradition of giving and to follow in the footsteps of many who have sacrificed for and given to their alma mater, UND."
"The modern-day relentless demolition and ridicule of admirable traditions have left people with little solid good to cling to in history. Those who frequent that street for the sake of destruction fail to recognize that traditions are a vital social value."
"Tradition is that gentle fabric woven through time and experience, tediously implemented and practiced through a comprehensive set of crucial, individual contributions, generating meaning, character and identity to one and all. The Fighting Sioux logo, the Indian head symbol, the Fighting Sioux uniforms, the aura of the Fighting Sioux tradition and spirit of being a Fighting Sioux are a lasting value and of immeasurable significance to our past, present, and future."
North Dakota Hockey is just another college hockey program in the niche sport of college hockey.