Yeah I think he went to the camp last year but no this year. Potulny (thoe older one)went this year. So I thought that was one sign of Brandon staying put.
Well my point was if he was to leave it would be best to actually play for the senators not the farm team which i dont know what will happen so its just speculation right now any way.
Well I heard that he didnt paly certain players enough that certain parents didnt like that . and he was too hard on the players. the to hard on the players is just whining if thats true.
Jamestown has a new coach i forgot his name i know him too ahh i forget. Grafton is suppose to be getting a new coach but they wont this year IMO. And Ross is still in WF.
Wiesgarber (sp)? is more like 5'10 170. And to the guy who put his poll for next year up I would have Bismarck High with their 13-14 seniors including Sam Aide in the top 5.
I had Peter as a counseler at sioux camp like 5 years ago or more and he was very nice to every one. Great player to watch even though he wasnt a parise style.
I said 07 for South since the bantam A thing, Harrie staying wouldnt have done much he would have played jv and struggled for a spot this year of varisity. Overall Harrie is a good player, for his size he plays a bigger game.
Moreland should have stayed in Sioux Falls for a year to develop and make some room for him. Sando if he makes the cut will more than likely be red shirted or both will red shirt if both make it.