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Posts posted by YaneA

  1. There are more people at this game then the regionals, and more people probably watching its a huge sport on the East Coast.

    That's all well and good. But what about what I want?!

  2. It was a magical run for my fingers...they could do no wrong.

    They really played their knuckles out, and left it all on the keyboard.

    You know, it's playoff time, so if my fingers can't come out now and give 110%, then there's just no hope for them at all.


    Or as Jonathan Toews would say, "You typed f'ing great!!"

  3. It was a magical run for my fingers...they could do no wrong.

    They really played their knuckles out, and left it all on the keyboard.

    You know, it's playoff time, so if my fingers can't come out now and give 110%, then there's just no hope for them at all.


    Don't forget, you've still gotta type 'em one letter at a time.

  4. I am so pissed.....I hate midco so much I wanted to watch! Audio feed lasted 1.5 periods I think then they switched to some dark new age trance and CSTV gametracker was...well....let's say it was about as quick as bob norton in a foot race.

    Shoula stayed on siouxsports.com. Brian gave us play by play, virtually in real time. His fingers must have ben flying over the keyboard.

  5. Well, I guess it's Saturday somewhere! Never too early to start thinking about the game. Though, if I think too much about it, I'm going to need two Advil PM to get to sleep.

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