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Posts posted by YaneA

  1. Does anyone know the name of the song that is played during the pre-game video on Saturdays just before the cheerleaders dance on the ice?

    I know the video on Friday nights use Phil Collin's In the Air Tonight and last season (when we were still the Sioux) the Saturday night video used Clint Mansell's Requiem for a Dream.

    Isn't it "Where the Streets Have No Name" by U-2

  2. Every time I look at that program it's quite a trip down memory lane. It was the year after the What if calculator, which had created a frenzy of people trying to figure out the possible outcomes.

    The problem with really doing so is that calculating all the possible outcomes across even just 14 series is still 268,435,456 possible outcomes (22,876,792,454,961 if you count ties, which we need to). So, you can't do it exhaustively that way, you instead need to come up with fancy tricks to eliminate combinations that don't matter. I remember optimizing that program for weeks trying to get it to run in a reasonable amount of time (e.g. an hour) back in 2003. The punch line -- on today's computers it runs in about 2 seconds.

    Mathematics and statistics. What neat parlor tricks, Jim! I am beyond clueless how either work but I appreciate the way you lay out the possibilities for my feeble little brain to absorb. You rock!

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  3. OK, folks, it's time to prepare for the 2013 Hoggsbreath brunch. Last year's brunch was moved to Friday morning to accomodate those fans wanting to catch Saturday afternoon's Wild game but I don't think we'll have that problem this year. I'll start taking tallies now and see where we wind up. Personally, I thought the move to Friday last year was a good one, although I can do either without too much trouble.

    As always, fans of ANY team in SiouxSports.com are welcome to attend, not just Sioux fans. YaneA, NorthDakotaHockey, CMSioux...get the word out. AZSIOUX and Runninwiththedogs, I expect that THIS is the year you finally make this gig! See ya there!

    If you haven't been to one of these brunches, you have missed out on good grub, ROTFLMFA stories and the chance to meet the men and women behind siouxsports.com handles whose posts have entertained, enlightened, outraged or baffled you for years. MafiaMan does a great job arranging things at the Hogg. He will pull back the curtain on the infamous Platinum Fox pilgrimage during the Columbus Frozen 4 with very little prompting. Bring the kiddies and be prepared to cover their ears during the juiciest bits of badinage. Yes, "badinage." That's a word; look it up. Hope to see you there for the final Final 5 brunch ever. Good times.

  4. Hardly comparable to Rau dives. I'd have to see a replay again on Grimaldi's, but the Wisco Dman had his arm around Rocco's neck, easy to embellish that if you choose. And not nearly as blatant as multiple Wisco dives, especially in the third period Saturday night.

    I think Mac would have been given a hooking penalty, if Little hadn't made a very obvious dive. Best Wisco could have done with that one is matching minors.

    Rocco was clearly clotheslined.

  5. My recollection is that the final game at the old Ralph was an exhibition game right before the new Ralph opened in October 2001. I believe the team switched off throwback jerseys between periods. I once owned one Tim Skarperud wore that game--it had the Blackhawk design logo

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  6. Maybe this has been asked and answered before but what is the theme music used by "Through These Doors"? It sounds very much like the "Friday Night Lights" TV show theme to my unsophisticated ear. My Shazam app couldn't find a match so I'm posing the question here.

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