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  1. It is a NCC rule that has been in place about six years or more. Some places give the first three or four rows behind the opposition bench. Gives the enemy a little breathing room.
  2. UNC has good football practice facilities. They are probably trying to enhace them. Remember the Denver Broncos trained there for years. UNC's fans love football and come out. One reason the students go, is because they sell beer at the games. UNC will never draw for basketball. The students ski on the weekends and also prefer not to associate with negative things.
  3. Here is what the NCC of last year would look like this year after 4 weeks St. Cloud UNO UND USD SDSU NDSU MINN. ST. AUG It obviously shows the strength of D1aa football.
  4. doclenz

    At it again

    I had a friend from Luverne send me this. It was in the Argus Leader on 9/18. Anthoney Lamar Watson,20, Brookings, pleaded guilty to first degree petty theft, $100.00 or more. $105.00 fine and sentenced to 60 days jail time, sentence suspended. He has continued to start at running back. They may have to move the State Pen closer to Brookings or set up a special jail to hold their atheletes and others. The other two players pled guilty and are awaiting sentence. The football player is despite having more than 10 pounds of dope still on the team and practicing. Amazing!
  5. Takes a man...kudos to you.
  6. Iowa Bison: Been to Europe Been to Puerto Rico Stood on the coast lines of the Atlantic and Pacific Never smoked what you're smoking. Hail to UND, the greatest University!
  7. UND is an Air Craft Carrier and NDSu is a gun ship. It is amazing how they come on this board and argue when they can't face the truth. Would you rather have the greatest University in the State or get your initials scrawled on the bottom of the TV screen. (And have people wonder in their family room, I wonder where North Dickenson State University is?)
  8. The Massey ratings. SDSU and NDSU posters were writing about how by using the Massey ratings they could play with so many and beat most of them. This weeks Massey ratings: UND-127 UNI -130 NDSu-138 Winona-160 St. Cloud-167 SDSU-178 According to this and they were legitimate last year....UND is the best in the area!
  9. Looks to me like aff is Jackmd from the diaa. His posts smell a little like a barn.
  10. The travel partner thing is interesting fodder. Having NDSU and SDSU as travel partners could be cost prohibitive. You have to get your team from town to town. So if your in Fargo on a night and going to Brookings how are you going to get there? Rent a bus? Then drive from Brookings back to Fargo or to Sioux Falls to fly to Minneaplis or Denver and then home? Or fly from Fargo to Minneapolis to Sioux Falls and then rent a bus? Also the assumption that they are both applying and they would take them both or neither is interesting. It's possible that the Big Sky if they were to add two teams would take, say UNC and NDSU. Something to ponder.
  11. doclenz

    For a laugh

    UND-Gary and Wilbur got it! I was commenting on the fellows or gals use of the english language or lack of it and comparing its brilliance with how the two schools harped about how this was as much or more and educational move as athletic. If that was true based on the jags sentence structure, grammer etc. we can expect big things educationally from NDSU and SDSU. As the topic says....for a laugh. The Bisonettes take everything so seriously.
  12. doclenz

    For a laugh

    Go to SDSU's board, then to football-Southern game. The post by the Southern fan is unbelievable. If this is an example of how the move to D1aa is as much about academics as athletics, the students at SDSU and NDSU should graduate.
  13. It's odd how silent they have become again and how an athlete who represented their school has suddenly no connection (according to their board. his eligibility had run out so he was no longer part of the college.) This is the future and they are getting a little taste of it early. Remember when this was an academic move? (they needed to be with like institutions) Now they are hoping for any conference, whether it is one where they are like institutions or not. I am sure that they could have joined the Big Ten, in fact I am sure they would have been admitted, lest for the fact that a Big Ten institution already has the same name. PEN STATE!
  14. My guess is that George wasn't on line with the move to D1 and didn't change his mind. That is where the psychological difference may lie. With all the awards he won for the University and his efforts at games he was well respected around the nation I would imagine. This may convince other employees that the move up is the best and only way. Intimidation works well very often.
  15. Sounds like one player and the info I got was possession and trafficking.
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