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Everything posted by 1972

  1. Damn, I guess I'm going to sioux falls for a vacation
  2. Oh..I will be there! First concert was Metallica at the Hyslop almost 30 years ago! Gonna be awesome with my son by my side!
  3. That just might be the end of the NCAA streak
  4. That had to be the filthist shootout goal ever in the Olympics. Oof. Goalie had a lawn sale, she got deeked so hard!
  5. I feel that these goalies work on the slow deliberate styles, more than if you just come on with raw speed. Oh well, better game than I expected
  6. Some of the worst shoot out attempts I have ever seen. Slap shot maybe?
  7. May be so, but don't make it so obvious
  8. Funny, that is goal tender interference in denver
  9. I wouldn't call the interference on 16 a bad call, it was a lazy play by grant. Don't want a penalty, don't give them a reason to call one
  10. Wow that is some nice puck movement on the pp...POOLY!
  11. Gardner just said the key is "playing Sioux hockey". Love it!
  12. 1972


    possibly their chokecherry gose. it is pretty good, if you like sours. not a huge fan of sours, but it is pretty tasty.
  13. Oops, didn't see the earlier post...my bad
  14. This just in...Smith suspended, as predicted
  15. I tend to agree. Smith needs to adjust quicker to a smaller player. If they had been if similar build, it would have been a heck of a collision. As it turned out, it was an ugly hit to the head. Still think plant needs to seriously consider not playing anymore. His future health is at a real risk at this point
  16. Agree 100%. Cams glove side this year is just awful, and the word is definitely out to shoot glove on him. Need to change it up. Not sure if thome is the answer, or not, but something has to change and soon
  17. The goal that bugged me the most was the third goal. Straight up in the slot, no screen, right by the glove....not a good look
  18. I recant my previous statement. I have watched the video of the hit, and it is not pretty. In my defense, in the arena, no video replay was shown, and from where I was seated, it looked like a complete flop on plant. That being said, if plant gets hurt that often, and that quickly, he may need to think about retirement from hockey. That many concussions is not good
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