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  1. Amen! Yup, that about covers it all. -cia, as usual, I applaud you!
  2. DING DONG, THE WITCH IS DEAD! DING DONG, THE WITCH IS DEAD! Although I will forever bleed Green, I have to admit my Diploma says SCSU , and during the time when all this really got started down there (Class of 2002). We will never forget that Roy is where all this started - he actually had the gall to publicly state that (paraphrased) "it is SCSU's duty and responsibility to make sure that UND changes its name" - and then he ends up on the NCAA Executive Committee... the rest is history. DING DONG, THE WITCH IS DEAD! DING DONG, THE WITCH IS DEAD! ... and Good Riddance. I do not know of a single SCSU student from the time that respects the man in any way, shape or form. DING DONG, THE WITCH IS DEAD! DING DONG, THE WITCH IS DEAD!
  3. Yup... that was what I got, too... two weeks or more after my original message...
  4. Yes, I eventually did, but that's not the point. Does an Issue of this nature have geographical boundaries, where opinions only have merit if they are from a regional jurisdiction? I think not. If I think that the Elected Officials of North Dakota should stand up in support of one of the finest schools in the Nation and take action against the (IMO) illegal efforts of the NC$$ to force the action/position/conduct of a member institution, in clear violation of its own bylaws, then I should be able to contact said Official and say so, regardless of where I live. What gets me is that even though I was born in GF and am concerned about those issues that affect GF, the Red River Valley, and ND as a whole, I'm not worth Pomeroy's time, energy, or effort, simply because I chose to move out of the region and pursue a career that didn't exist back at home? Puh-leeze.
  5. I tried to add my voice to this chorus, but since I am no longer a resident of the ND Congressional District, Pomeroy's website will not even accept the comments. They suggest that I send comments to my Representatives (done), but as a born and bred GF Native, this irks me that I cannot express support for issues that affect my home town. And then come the comments about Pomeroy's position that are in another thread... Grrrrrr.
  6. Not having been there, and going from the descriptions above, I would say: Sirius (Alan Parsons Project) - used for a LOT of Sioux Intros, including the concept flyover videos of the Ralph (remember those?) or Oh, Fortuna (from the Carmina Burana) - used in Excalibur and many other... ...OK, that's enough obscure music geek for me...
  7. Actually, this all comes from Roy Saigo at SCSU. A number of years ago, he made a statement that it was SCSU's duty and responsibility to make sure that UND changed its name. Not long after that, he pushed the NCAA for the creation of the very subcommittee that enacted this ruling. The motion they passed was actually taken directly from one he submitted earlier this year. Go to the "NCAA Minority Opportunities And Interests Committee" website - Saigo's letter is Appendix B. The rest, I think we all know.
  8. You're not alone, Mom. The absolutism of the NameChangers has taken this, over a number of years, from a reasonable conversation to precisely the environment the NC$$ ruling is trying to discourage. It is time that UND, the City of Grand Forks, the great State of North Dakota, and all those whose hearts reside anywhere between the Red River and the Teddy Roosevelt National Park, stand together and decry the misrepresentation being forced upon us by those who have no interest in those freedoms that we hold dear and true! - OK, I was chanelling William Wallace for a minute there - sorry I said it yesterday, and I say it again - the Lawyers are ready; CUT 'EM LOOSE!
  9. Share with the rest of the class...
  10. Thank you!
  11. ABSOLUTELY! This is no time to capitulate just becuase the playground bully says something we don't like. If we say this is over, we show that the convictions we have had throughout this issue are hollow. When those who try to exert unwelcome power over us have determined that there is no longer an opportunity to talk, it comes time to stop trying to talk and defend what we believe in - NOW WE FIGHT! The arguments are prepared, the lawyers are ready - I say cut 'em loose! GO SIOUX!
  12. Yeah - Now that was a while ago... he was a lot of fun to watch.
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