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Everything posted by OgieOgilthorpe

  1. If ausmus misses some time I think the team's speed and morale both get a boost. What a putzy goon. He's a goon in a non-goon league
  2. Olsen drags down his line. What a lazy skillless player
  3. Wilkie will not score a goal this season. Glass wall
  4. No no no comon I was all over that and got crap for it from multiple people. Last weekend and last night!
  5. Wolanin at forward orrrr? Who called that ? Lol good call bubs
  6. Looking for 2 tickets to 1/21 game vs UMD. Either upper or lower bowl would be fine!
  7. Who cares how they got on the team or what they did before they got there. Teams play who is best...not who has the best resume
  8. Cam looked shaky once again. Wrinks made quite a few nice saves and looked comfortable once he settled in. I'd start wrinks. Tomek wasn't exactly stellar last time he got in...makes sense he's the #3
  9. That would be random but I'll be happy with anything but johnson
  10. I'd agree on thinking there is no leadership happening by any of the captains but really we have no idea. Leadership happens in their locker room, off the ice and actions on the ice. I'd say we know 1 of the 3 is true but that's it. Maybe their great leaders and this team just doesn't have the skill to execute.
  11. So you're saying the generation that is teaching and coaching these players are the cry baby generation right? Because then you'd be correct, because they are the generation in control.
  12. Easily??? Uh, gersich? How does he go so unnoticed? He plays well in all phases too.
  13. Exactly, he had more of a legitimate reason to leave.
  14. It was only one night. There is plenty of season left, don't panic.
  15. This team really could have used two of the guys that shouldn't have left. Thompson and L Johnson. Schmaltz would have been a bonus, but even those two would have made a prett big difference IMO.
  16. No, he's a bad d man... He's not built for that position at this level. Try to utilize his skills somewhere else
  17. I wouldn't start him. If jost is out I'd put wolanin at forward and bump boeser to center on jost's line. Keep wolanin at the point on the PP.
  18. Perfect opportunity to try it out. He's a skilled player bred to be a forward that's stuck in a mightmare job out of his realm.
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