To quote a great football coach (Nick Saban). "Programs that don't make the post-season have NO right to complain because they did NOT take care of their own business". I have no problem with the pairwise, it is about the most fair way of determining the tournament field you can get. This team has a lot of young talent. My worries are not about the post season, my worries are we able to keep the young talent here. In today's world I see several of our players looking for better opportunities elsewhere and it would not surprise me to see several high end players bolt at the end of the season. Years ago our third and fourth line players would be first line players in other programs, just not the case now days. North Dakota and this staff have a bad history of keeping the bottom end talent around out of loyalty, I am sorry but we cannot build our team around guys like Kunz, Schmaltz and Jammer, all great guys BUT! So many of us in NoDak nation are tired of this never-ending repeating saga. This program is due for a shake up!