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At North Dakota State, Women Are Few and Far Between

The Sicatoka

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From the Chronicle of Higher Education issue dated November 2, 2007:

At North Dakota State, Women Are Few and Far Between

Why does one university seem so behind the times?


Some excerpts?

Only 10 of the university's 156 full professors are female, ....

Last year North Dakota State was reminded of just how far behind it is when the American Association of University Professors issued a report ranking 1,445 institutions on the basis of what proportion of their tenured faculty members are female. North Dakota State came in close to last (The Chronicle, November 3, 2006).

"It sounds like they are living in a time warp," says Martha S. West, a law professor at the University of California at Davis who helped write the report, called "AAUP Faculty Gender Equity Indicators 2006."

But clearly there are a lot of campuses in cold places with limited social scenes. What female professors here describe as the root of the problem is a male-dominated atmosphere that can be "toxic." Female professors complain of being ignored, passed over for leadership positions, warned not to speak out or complain, and sometimes bullied by their male colleagues.

Toxic? Toxic?

Is that worse than "hostile and abusive"? Oh, that's right, UND isn't (never was) that and the NCAA admits it. :crazy:

When people at North Dakota State learned that it had scraped the bottom of the AAUP's gender-equity ratings, they were surprised and embarrassed. The numbers showed that while nationwide an average of 31 percent of tenured faculty members are female, at North Dakota State the proportion was only 9.8 percent. That put it behind all but one other traditional institution, the University of Missouri at Rolla, of the 222 doctoral institutions ranked.

The university also was lower in gender equity than almost all of the master's and baccalaureate institutions in the report.

That just doesn't seem to be a good environment for a female student to find a fellow-female educational role model to pursue higher education under the guidance of. That's really a shame.

Not good PR for the state.



Section: The Faculty

Volume 54, Issue 10, Page A6

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Toxic, interesting. :blink:;) The proprietor of Bisonville, Tony (a.k.a. Flatlander) has been deriding UND as "toxic" on other websites, including non-smack forums on of all places northdakotapreps.com. I quess what goes around, comes around. :crazy:

Flatlander (Tony): When NDSU schedules UND the potential negatives are very dire indeed. Who needs a couple AP stories from Grand Forks about how awful NDSU is, a formal complaint from UND's President to NDSU's demanding that NDSU fans properly respect UND's mascot, and/or some pornstachio-ed coach using the postgame press conference to launch a diatribe about NDSU? Seriously, why on earth would NDSU want any part of that freak show? DI just gives UND a bigger platform to take cheapshots at NDSU so what used to be local news can become an Bryant Gumbel HBO special / ESPN.com headline / NY Times report.

As long as the culture surrounding UND stays so toxic, I seriously doubt that NDSU will ever willingly agree to schedule them. NDSU might use other excuses, but the real reason is that you don't invite weasels into the hen house.

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