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I apologize to our military


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By now, many of you have heard or read about the disgraceful behavior of SOME of our Rutgers students last weekend as we played the Naval Academy on ESPN. About 44,000 people,including over 10,000 students, were jam packed into Rutgers Stadium on a beautiful night to watch two very good teams. Unfortunately, about 200 students at my estimate not only booed the Navy players,but decided to yell a filthy,immoral, and low class chant at the Navy students at the game. This action would be bad enough at any time toward any school,but to do this to our military personnel who are defending our nation against terrorism is beyond belief. While I know our morals in America have been declining since at least the 60's, every once in a while I realize it is worth than I thought.

My Dad served our country in the Marines/Navy in World War II and I am so glad that the man who took me to my first Rutgers game in 1976 did not have to hear this. I am sure some of you either are veterans,had parents who were veterans, or currently have children who are defending America in Afghanistan,Iraq, in other foreign nations, or here at home. I apologize to all of you for the actions of a minority of people connected with Rutgers University. Our school President and Athletic Directors have sent letters of apology to the Naval Academy and we have been told that there will be some changes at the stadium. We have scheduled football games aginst Navy and Army every year for the near future and I can only hope that this never happens again. Sioux fans, I hope you do not judge everyone in New Jersey by the actions of a relatively small group of "fans." For all of you who defend our nation,past,present, and future--THANK YOU and GOD Bless America!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well, I'm active duty my self and I'm from Jersey...This type of behavior doesn't suprise me...

I've been to pleanty of games at Veterans Stadium in Philly, and the New Jersey fan has never been held in high regard anyways...

Service members "Especially potential officers" and Navy players hopefully didn't even think twice about that type of behavior, it is beneath them. Rutgers Football has never had success like we have had recently, and a few will always spoil it for the majority...

Deep down the country knows who has who's back...But your right, it can be upsetting...

My Pop escorted destroyers back in 51-52, so I hear about it often! Good times...

Thanks, Rich T

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