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maybe you should be preaching this to the sioux people...oh yea...you already did...that is why spirit lake became hush hush...isnt it GK...off campus works for me...then you wouldnt be subject to the hostile and abusive environment at the University of North Dakota!!!!!


  GrahamKracker said:
Do you even know what your talking about?  These programs (all but 3) PAY to be on campus.


Do you know what you're talking about? This type of bovine scatology is what prompted me to write this.

  GrahamKracker said:
Believe it or not, I did bring this up to the Student Senate a couple weeks ago.  I suggested a group, made up of both sides, to talk about this issues.  Of course w/ the VP being the head of Sioux Crew, I don't think they wanted to hear what I had to say, but you can't say I tried

  Even though I am against the use of the name, I am willing to listed to *valid* reasons to keep the name, but I haven't heard anything that would change my mind yet. 

  You fight for what you believe in, and I will fight for what I believe in.  If we can't sit down and "talk" about these issues, then I guess we'll just have to have other entities....like the NCAA...like the Dept of Justice, step in and defend our interests.  Hetche to


"You can't say I tried" Okay, I agree with you, I don't think you did try.

I find it very hard to believe that you are willing to sit down with the Student Senate and try to sit down and talk about both sides of the issue. I do believe that you would sit down and yell and scream and call everyone on the Student Senate racist.

  GrahamKracker said:
I'm not speaking from gossip, either, I spent over 4 years on the Indian Programs council Board, and we were specifically told not to discuss the FS logo by the president (actually we could talk about it, but he specifically said he didn't want any counsel from us regarding the name/logo because it was out of his hands.)


And he was right.

  sioux goo said:
maybe you should be preaching this to the sioux people...oh yea...you already did...that is why spirit lake became hush hush...isnt  it GK...off campus works for me...then you  wouldnt be subject to the hostile and abusive environment at the University of North Dakota!!!!!



Go Irish!!!! Go all the way back to where you came from for all I care!!!!

Spirit Lake isn't hush hush, they are tired of this issue, like many of us are, but it's only the beginning, so I suggest you put on your big boy pants and put another pot of coffee on, because it's going to be a long haul to the end. Naki Nula Waun.


i especially liked the point of the custodian dragging a garbage can across the sioux logo....are you kidding me....thats your arument?? wow!!!!

oh yea you take offense to the siouxper dog....I take offense to someone leading the native american conference in Biztown saying that when a little leopricahn(sp?) walks in this room then we will consider his argument!!

I am irish and I take a great offense to that!!!! THAT IS IGNORANCE!!!!!!!

  sioux goo said:
i especially liked the point of the custodian dragging a garbage can across the sioux  logo....are you  kidding me....thats your arument??  wow!!!!

oh yea you take offense to the  siouxper dog....I take offense to someone leading the native american  conference in Biztown saying that when a little  leopricahn(sp?) walks in this  room then we will consider his argument!!

I am irish and I take a great offense to that!!!!  THAT IS IGNORANCE!!!!!!!


When was the last time you seen a Leprechaun? or a Unicorn for that matter? THEY DON'T EXIST. Sioux people do.

As for the garbage can thing, I don't know, I didn't hear that, but could care less about that. Now if you truly want a Siouxer dog, why don't you come to the next ceremony where REAL dogs (puppies, actually) are used. I can hook you up, if you really want to call yourself Sioux.

  GrahamKracker said:
I concur, but from the WDAZ section last night, the SBHE doesn't sound like they want to be blamed, either.  It seems as though everyone is looking for a scapegoat.


No, that's not what was said. Here are the key points from the WDAZ story.

Kupchella at the news conference:

  iramurphy said:
The Fighting Sioux issue at UND was never meant to define your culture.  You shouldn't expect it too.  That is one of the resons you have trouble understanding the pro side and we have no idea why you feel the way you do.  You fail to understand the diversity of our culture.  You do expect us to understand yours however.  That is a double standard.

Great post ira. This part is one of the problems that I have noticed that hasn't gotten as much discussion. We are dealing with 2 different cultures that are not communicating very well. Even when UND tries to do something to honor and respect the Sioux many don't recognize the gesture in the manner it was meant. And I wouldn't be surprised if things that are intended to be done with respect may be an insult in the Sioux culture. (Of course there are things done and said without considering whether they show respect but those can often be corrected when they are pointed out). It doesn't explain the whites that disagree with the name useage, but many of those probably fit in the ultra-liberal, overly-sensitive group that has been discussed before. If we want to make this work we must find a way to communicate so that both sides really understand the opposition.

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