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Permissible booster recruiting activity


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Sorry to get snappy, it was starting to get a little... frustrating. :huh: I decided to make this new "accuse UND fans of recruiting violations" thread in which everyone is welcome to beat the topic to a bloody pulp.


I'm glad you did (I'm also VERY glad that you separated this from the other thread). I was in err with my post. I think that all boosters should know these rules.

I do know the relevant DI rules, but messed up with those related to DII.

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/NCAA Division I Manual/

13.01.4 Recruiting by Representatives of Athletics Interests

Representatives of an institution's athletics interests (as defined in Bylaw 13.02.13) are prohibited from making in-person, on- or off-campus recruiting contacts, or written or telephonic communications with a prospect or the prospect's relatives or legal guardians. Specific examples of the exceptions to application of this regulation are set forth in Bylaw (see also Bylaw


What if the "prospect or the prospect's relatives or legal guardians" makes unsolicited contact with you (say sends you an email)?

And I just love the NCAA. Talk about building a watch instead of telling you what time it is (from the DI manual): General Exceptions. This regulation is not applicable to:

(a) Admissions Program. Off-campus recruiting contacts made by an institution

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