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Posts posted by TrueSioux2000

  1. Ok thank god it was in Vermont because I do a great Bernie Sanders impression.....but this is a forum so just imagine:   "Here's the simple truth, that in America there are millions and millions of North Dakota fans who are working hard, but are unable to receive adequate signal for the UND Hockey live stream, and that has got to END! This has not descended from the heavens, but has come from bad human (pronounced "U-men") decisions, in particular the UND leadership.  Now, UND can join the rest of the industrialized world and guarantee free live stream to all people as a right, not a privilege!" 

    Boy I love Bernie, but to hell with UVM. GO Sioux.

  2. That power play created some momentum for UVT

    For those not from the northeast, I offer a fun tidbit: the University of Vermont is referred to as "UVM" as opposed to "UVT."  Don't ask me why it's called UVM and not UVT, but it is!  I've asked my friends that go there and I still haven't received a good answer, or any answer for that matter. I guess you could call that a "fun fact"? 

    Anyway, Herrinkyew holding his own out there, with great help from the defense of course! Some good chances offensively, and one of them has to go in eventually! Let's go Sioux!

  3. @SIOUXFAN97 Ok, so you believe that President Kelley, or other "higher education politically correct liberals" (Damn those readin' writin' arithmetic'n educated folk!!) will consider making Sacha Baron Cohen's character Bruno as the logo for Nodaks? Doubtful. It's also interesting that you could've chosen, by your logic, literally anything in the universe to represent Nodaks but you chose those two men. Interesting....I'm learning a lot about you, my man. 

    P.S. - Nodaks is not a free for all logo-wise.  It probably has to be North Dakota themed, because...ya know...it's derived from North Dakota.

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  4. That's the first thing that popped into my mind also. I know its very improbably but it'd be sweet to have the logo revealed at the same time in a press conference. 

    Well that would be really cool, so you know it won't happen. I'm hoping for an nickname reveal spectacular with confetti and the works.  Put some fanfare into it! Like the reveal for the name of my new favorite AA baseball team, the Hartford Yard Goats (RIP to the Hard Hittin' New Britain Rock Cats)

     yardgoats_98g3dgaw_1ulac3z7.jpg #GOAT (Note: they have a literal goat on stage)

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  5. Go north dakota north dakota.... Weak

    How about, Go North Dakota, Fighting North Dakota!  Nope, still weak.

    "North Dakota" was taken off the ballot. Unfortunately, both these posts make zero sense given the final list of nickname choices.

    If you're referring to "Nodaks", that's a different nickname. One's a shorthand version of North Dakota, the other is a nickname for hick hillbilly North Dakotan, which by the way we should embrace. We're takin' it back!!!! We'll be the hicks that kick your a** on the field/ice/court/water. Whatever though, to each his own....

    Go Stars/Dawgs/Ridas/Hawks/Daks!

    Gophers blow

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