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  1. Pretty accurate analysis, As for the RB situation, as many have said, it all starts with the OL. You can bring in half dozen RBs and if the OL doesn't open somewhat of a hole. not much for RB's to motate. Didn't Miller make some 3 td's? How many more do you want? In the first half. So, think he blows your "not Big Sky calliber" stuff to the wind. As for Jer, let's just wait and see what haps next year, you and all of us may be pleasntly surprised, hope so. Then too as others have mentioned, do you use a slot-back, up the Middle, with 12 men on field, stacked boxed-in? The player should be used to best advantage for his size, etc. Miller and Jer are "open-field" experts, no one should exect them to bull-doze through some 250-300 brick walls, at least most don't expect them to, maybe you do?
  2. No, but a penalty, a first down, closer for FG range, or more, thats the game! ! 2 refs staring at it, talk about homers. There should be a protest of some sort and possible forfeit.
  3. YoHo


  4. YoHo


    We have never seen Weston play, but have heard much about him. Understand this is his 5th season up north. Now maybe the rest of the RB "stable" can develope to their full potential for the good of the team and UND. It will be interesting to see how this all plays out going forward. We here are hoping for the BEST to all.
  5. YoHo


    Not so much on this thread, but check through others and there is plenty of negative stuff, and not just from you. Would have posted earlier, but was unable to get on line. A few post up you mention the size issue again and being "uncomfortable" and correctly so. As stated a big back is needed from time to time. Also we wanted to remind those of outstanding "small" RB Weston Dressler, who is doing quite well in the CFL. Am sure Miller and Jer share more than a few of his attributes, and truly believe that can and possibly will be shown. So, lets see what happens from here on out, UND has lost a very fine RB, person, and leader, who went out a WINNER. Let's hope that he started a BIG TREND. Have a great day to all.
  6. YoHo


    Yes, GS as you said, Jake and Jer run better in second stage where speed and agility are to their strengths. Bruising FB types are also required. A good example, is think against SDSU (not sure)Jer took it to the 2yd line, Sutton in 2 drove it in for score. All the above applies unless the OL blows a hole open to get some steps ahead of the DB. Am sure you know much more than I about FB, but we have some concern about what effects overly negative comments have on these young men. After all like breeds it's kind, neggies breed neggies, and positives their kind. Am sure NO-one wants to lose, and when they do, the last thing they need is more negatives. Also finally we out here haven't thought of "anything" the coaches haven't thought of many, many times. Cheers.
  7. YoHo


    When geoux_sioux talks about BIG bruising RB's wonder if he means on like 5'-8 160# Weston Dressler,former UND standout who is up for CFL player of year. He is a Slot back, which someone of his size should be. Doubt if he "plows through" too many 300# linemen. As for WHO plays or WHEN, all players are seen and evaluated in pracice for hours each week. One would think the coaches would be most qualified to determine WHO plays ane WHEN. AGREE? Finally Sparks, a fine RB,or wouldn't be here, and Jer came at same time. Both gave their best shots and were evaluated accordingly, Right? Anyone who thinks they can do a better job of coaching, should apply for the job.
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