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Posts posted by cberkas

  1. Acually, I'm stunned at GPL this morning...here's a short summary.

    - definitely over-achieved all season...

    - silver trophy isn't bad...

    - beat North Dakota with .6 seconds left...anything else would have been gravy...

    I went to see if GPL was stull up and running after the game. It went from this is going to be easy a easy win, to Union is going to get beat down, and the EZAC doesn't have a chance against the might Gophers. One Minnesota fan was right about Minnesota putting up 4 goals on Union just left out the 7 goal the Union scored. It went from were winning to fire Don in about 4 post on there.

    The arrogance is strong on GPL.

  2. Is this all going on behind closed doors? The legislature's moratorium expires next year and there does not appear to be much going on in the news about the new name. In light of Kelly's reaction to the Gamma Phi sign, should we expect a lame weather related soccer-style name like Northern Lights?

    There is a team in Montana called Northern Lights, MSU-Northern I believe.

  3. Hmmm, who to cheer for. On the one hand, I hate the gophers....on the other hand, I hate the gophers.......

    Let's go Dutchmen?! ? (The Dutch males must really be upset with this name)

    It was a name I thought was odd just like Notre Dame called the Irish even though the Notre Dame cathedral is in France.

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