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Posts posted by cberkas

  1. I know it's been talked about before, but it's summer and I don't feel like reading about Rocco's departure. The arena below has been built in Sioux Falls.

    How soon until a regional gets played here, assuming the playoff structure remains the same?

    Would Omaha put a bid in to host here?

    Would you rather host a regional here, instead of Fargo?

    Likelihood of a sell-out?

    Will an exhibition game ever be played here?


    I don't see Omaha wanting to host a regional there. It's more likely that after Omaha builds their new arena that they would put in a bid for the Century Link Center to host a regional.

  2. Hey, I'd completely agree with you on that...but then again, I'm not an NFL scout. Personally, I've seen enough of Clowney to know that he's made quite the reputation based on knocking one guy's helmet off of his head in a bowl game. I also watched the entire South Carolina/Georgia game this past season and didn't even know Clowney was on the field based on his sorry performance that day.

    I'd put game day performance ahead of combine/pro day performance.

  3. While he might get rolled by an offensive lineman or two if he's on the Rams' defensive line this season, you are somewhat correct in saying he may have a "role" somewhere in the organization. The combine results have been wrong before (cough, cough, Tony Mandarich)...

    And some people say the combine is just a show.

  4. So you would have taken him over Clowney if you would have been the GM at Houston? So who would have been your 2nd round pick? Brock Jensen??? ;)

    I would have rather traded back if I was the GM of Houston. Sam is going to be a roll player for the Rams next year.

  5. Who said he was a "bad" player?? He is 7th round pick...most of those guys don't stick out of camp. Why did he drop to the 7th round then? Curious.....................

    He had a better year then Clowney, I believe he fell to the 7th round because he's gay.

  6. Never seen so much hype of a 7th round pick...ever...but I know it was history in the making. My question is this...he was a 7th round pick for a reason. What if he isn't any good and can not play at the NFL level. Any way the Rams can cut him...without a lawsuit?

    I wouldn't call Sam a bad player he just happens to be the Defensive Player of the Year in the SEC.

  7. I speak from a soldier's perspective. The politicians will send our sons and daughters and our military will answer the call. I'm not saying we should or shouldn't go but our military goes where they are told the mission will take them. The question was why we go not should we go. Too many people have an opinion not based on what is right or wrong but based on which party is in power. No matter which side of the political fence you sit on, we must always maintain a strong and ready military. What we as a country have done to our National Guard and Reservists these past 10 yrs is scary. The guard and reserve were never meant to be our frontline military but as a ready reserve in time of need and a home force always ready for our nations defense and emergencies and when necessary to augment our active duty forces. To send these forces for 6-12 months or longer every 2 years is taking a heavy toll. Sioux MD, God Bless him is on his 4th or 5th tour in Iraq and Afghanistan. He serves in the guard. Our politicians think we should cut back our military yet they entertain the idea that we would intervene in Syria or other areas. There are not many combat veterans who support that dumb-ass idea. But no matter what the politicians decide, our kids will strap it on and buckle up and move toward the chaos. We don't get to decide if we want to go nor if we agree with the decision. I don't know if we should intervene in Africa or not but if our kids go, it's likely some will give the ultimate sacrifice. But rest assured they will serve with pride and courage and if anyone can rescue those kids the United States Military is the best in the world. (Makes Natty's and FCS championships irrelevant in the grand scheme of things)

    I do agree that the National Guard, Air Guard, and Reserve should never leave the United States. A good way to cut military spending is to stop sending the Guard and Reserve to war zones. Special Ops units are going to be the ones to go into Nigeria to get these kidnaped girls. If anyone should go and get the girls in Nigeria its the French, they have been operating in Africa for quite awhile.

  8. Has Hak? I thought he basically said he hasn't recruited other commits in the past but he really didn't speak out in favor of the agreement just more that he has followed it in the past since that had been the agreement.

    He did try to bring in a commited player last year.

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