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Posts posted by bigskyvikes

  1. it happens, we have a quality babckup that will get us through the next few weeks. go 2-2 over the next four games and that is no worse than what zane would have done.

    What, how would you have any idea of this?

  2. Prettty sure it's computer simulated? Seats look pretty flat. Don't think you want to be in the lower bowl corners.

    What? Why? That is where I was pressured to buy my seats, right in that little pie shape section! All fired up about that decision again! They made it sound like all the seats were taken on the lower bowl. I was hook, line, and sinker on that bs!

  3. Sorry hammer still sucks imo

    Not only for his horrendous hockey knowledge but for years and years of terrible godawful sports radio, and other ventures he failed so miserably at .

    Just my opinion but I don't like pathetic failure associated with the team or tradition of excellence.

    Bring back Sweeney

    He's our Sweeney and Sweeney is Sioux hockey

    If his career was/is so awful why does he keep getting bigger and better jobs?

  4. check out Hammers twitter for a slight spelling error for another channels coverage from Fridays game...OUCH! This has ALWAYS been a graphic possibility but I've never seen it on the big screen! hahahahaa

    Can't seem to find it. Did he delete it?

  5. Yes this is obvious as a UND player would win it every year. still fun though.

    I wasn't saying that you guys didn't know this, I stated it because I didn't know this! I thought it mattered! Also I thought it counted as a percentage, not that if you got the most votes they won. But I guess it is neither...

  6. They don't usually sell out? If not, that surprises me.

    They never sell out unless the Sioux are there. The last Sioux game there I had a 70?? Year old guy in front of me get carded for buying a beer! Then my turn and I asked if he thought he needed to card that old guy, he said "we are suppose to card everyone" Where has common sense gone?

  7. You guys are mean. I think hammer is doing fine. Both him and "kober" seem to have developed a flow to them. What I like the most about both of them is they look like they truly enjoy what they are doing. It looks like fun.

  8. that's what it is. Talk. If you can't take a little crap go home. Happens all the time.

    If your willing to give a little lip you better be willing to take little smack! Or you should have kept your mouth shut!

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