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Everything posted by cowboys5xsbs

  1. Imagine if the offense was able to do anything at all
  2. It's only the 3rd quarter sheesh
  3. How is Tommy still in????????
  4. Illinois State is not a gimme game watch us lose that one too
  5. Seriously what is that coverage?
  6. Yeah I hate the overuse of the black jerseys those were reserved for special occasions
  7. How are their wide receivers that wide open?
  8. The worst part is Bubba getting the win last week gives him immunity so we are stuck with him for the long haul
  9. Good pep talk Bubba way to rally the team
  10. After the sweep tonight it might be
  11. Yea I am not seeing a win tonight. I really hope I am wrong but I can't trust Berry in games like this.
  12. The good thing is our hopes are let down early this year
  13. LOL that's not happening stop dreaming
  14. The oline was good last week and its is a sieve this week. Make it make sense.
  15. We really needed that TD rough playcalling there
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