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Posts posted by 7>4

  1. NDH, member #559, joined in March '03.

    Just proof that NDH doesn't need a reminder plastered on a t-shirt that he wastes too much of his time on this board posting his long-winded drivel.

    Jim, how does one secure ad space on the board? Hell, if you're not going to make money, you might as well let us have a shot at it.

  2. Joe usually subs out his sallywork to me.

    I am scheduled to mop Sally's floor with Wheeler's face

    at 11 p.m. Saturday night. Unlike Wheeler, Joe has much

    bigger fish to fry from here on in.

    You gonna use you usual fightin moves - Girl slap followed by high pitched scream followed by curling up in a fetal position? Good news is that it will most likely prove effective against Mr. Wheeler.

  3. Thanks a ton to everyone who offered help to me last night. I got an email back saying I had something set up wrong on my media player. Anyway, thanks Sioux Fans!!

    By the way, has anyone seen the replay on that disallowed goal in Denver last night? What an absolute joke. How do you waive that off?:blush: Let them decide it on the ice in OT if it honestly is that close. The video that I saw certainly made it look like a goal. The on ice officials signal goal. What on God's earth were they thinking up in the booth! If it were the Sioux, I would come unglued. Imagine if it were a playoff game where loser goes home!

    The Wisconsin goal was clearly a goal. Amazing that it got waived off.

  4. The loss is probably my fault. I think that I wore the wrong jersey, did not wear a hat, and disrupted several other of my pre-game rituals.

    My apologies to all. Tonight will be different, and the Sioux will win.

    NDH, get you stuff together. This is not the time of the year to be getting sloppy. Also, with your hairline you should ALWAYS wear a hat. Quit dialing it in. The run to Denver begins tonight.

  5. Lot's of games left. Hak will have them firing on all cylinders when it counts!

    I agree with da Taz. I'm not worried at all. I think with all the pressure of pre-season expectations, the Sioux are clutching their sticks a little tight right now. They just need to have some fun. Hell, it's only a game.

  6. A leader doesn't put his team in that situation?? What situation?? Any situation that could eventually lead to a bad situation?? No sex, 'cause maybe your girlfriend will get pregnant and you'll hurt the team. No driving, because you might get into an accident and hurt yourself or someone else and then hurt the team. No shooting fireworks on the 4th of july, you could blow off your hand and hurt the team.

    When the details of this situation come to light, everyone who is doubting TJ's character and saying he did something terrible and didn't think of his team, etc etc is going to look really foolish.

    Geez, Hak would suspend a guy for having sex with his girlfriend? No wonder we keep losing guys to the pros.

  7. Oshie will not be on the ice for a critical WCHA game this evening because of bad decisions he made. A leader does not put his team or his teammates in this situation. PERIOD. My prediction is that the rest of the Sioux will step up in a big way tonight and Oshie will be a force on Saturday.

    Please spare me all the drivel that insinuates that anyone who is diappointed in Oshie's actions somehow does not support Oshie, is a loser, or was never a wild and crazy college kid. The kid is a helluva hockey player. He will likely be a highly paid professional athlete. With that comes a level of scrutiny and responsiblity that none of us are subject too.

    I'm sure he is disappointed in his actions and will learn from the incident. More importantly, I'm fairly sure that he is man enough to understand that one can be both disappointed in his actions and supportive and appreciative of his effort on the ice and his commitment to UND Fighting Sioux Hockey.

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