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Posts posted by phriq

  1. Anybody else notice anything different about Duncan's reaction after scoring the tying goal? He usually scores and hardly even celebrates with maybe a little fist pump or something but how bout his reaction saturday. I think he was relieved he scored not only because it was to tie the game but also because he feels he's got to be the real leader of this team not only in the locker room but on the scoresheet as well. Thought?

    I never got to watch the game on Saturday. Was hopeing someone had video of it so i could watch the game or at least see the goals on youtube or something. But I have always been impressed with Dunc an as he is ussually the humble leader. I also have never really seen him do any huge celebrations so it would be interesting to watch.

  2. Oshie just had one of those shifts, ya know the ones where he holds the puck for like half a min. behind the net. Took like 4 checks and still had control of the puck. Best shift I have seen in the NHL for him.

    I agree, thats the oshie i remember when on the sioux.

  3. Isn't it strange that both NDSU's football team (their premier sport) and UND's hockey team (our premier sport) have collapsed this year...

    I watched the bison football game.. All i can say is WOW... what happened?! The Bison and the SIoux Both were supposed to be premiere teams in their leagues and both are falling apart!..... Sioux have some more time to come back, so hopefully they can.

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