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  1. I really don't get that either. Really weak call. If he saw it coming thats one thing, but he looked like he fell trying to stop and not hit the tender on that one.
  2. Ill check that out for state. Thanks! Sioux are looking good tonight. Nice to see Scheel standing up to the task thus far
  3. Im in Arizona for work, hoping for a web stream. No worries thanks though.
  4. Was that game being streamed anywhere? I couldn't find it? Or state for that matter?
  5. Does anybody know how to find DaveK? I see a lot of references to him from previous posts but no way to contact. Like he deleted his account. Sounds like he has a pretty extensive list though.
  6. Does the Sioux community have or is anyone in it interested in archived game video trades? UND Insider to my knowledge no longer has archived games and NCHC.tv only goes back to the start of the league. I'd love to rewatch some of the classic games or games with Pat Sweeney making the calls. Options or suggestions? Old episodes of through these doors are helping the appetite, but I want games! Thanks all and Go Sioux!
  7. Thanks for the replies. I wonder if that was the site I stumbled across last year. It had all the jerseys listed in chronological order and what not. Was a really nice site. I assume the Sioux-Jersey.com site is the same one, just under construction for a new format? Has there been an ETA till completion for the site?
  8. Hello Everyone, I was just curious if anyone knew of a website that had a list of all the various logos and jersey's that the Sioux have used listed in chronological order with dates and pictures? Trying to do some digging and haven't found anything off the bat and thought I would ask for some help. Thanks in advance!
  9. Just seems crappy that the Sioux had nationwide coverage with Fox College Sports that they lost when the NCHC was created, and Denver maintains their rights with ROOT. I know there is a lot to it. However, for Sioux fans, it sucks.....
  10. So can someone explain to me the purpose of spending $80 on nchc.tv if the games are not even on that site?
  11. Is anyone else having audio/video sync issues? my audio is about 5 seconds behind the video.
  12. I try to think that the NCHC feed is still a young and new service. It should get better with time. However, the announcer should have his mic pulled. He is pretty aweful. Now, here is to hoping the feed comes back. P.s. Wasn't the service also supposed to allow you to watch past full games and not just condensed games?
  13. I kept trying to log out and log in and reload the page and saw that goal probably 8 times now....good goal, crap webcast issues...
  14. I sure wish I could have seen the end of the first period. $90 dollars and this is the service? Pretty crappy if you ask me....
  15. All four arenas are big enough (for the most part) to do this as well.... I am sure DU and UND would be game, possibly Wisconsin, I just can't see Minn signing up for it.
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