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Posts posted by krangodance

  1. There is no guarantee that all of the available games will be shown on Directv. They use Channel 617 to show some of the content from Fox College Sports and it sounds like they will also use Channel 623 for the same purpose. But you will have to check for each game to see if they will be shown or not. Those that have the 3 Fox College Sports Channels on their cable system will be able to see all of the available games on one of the 3 channels.

    that's become the clear case. i think we're just all so anxious to know whether or not those of us with directv will be able to see the games that we're going around and around on this hoping for some clarification that isn't available yet. i hope it's on and i just with directv would post something somewhere containing their schedule for 617, 623, and any other channel that doesn't currently show a schedule. after all, the game is on in two days and they're still not letting us know if it will be on.

  2. I was more responding to krangodance who said the 617 channel is regional when it isnt. The folks I got responses to from satelliteguys.us were from Pennsylvania, Iowa, California & New Mexico and one from Minnesota

    don't mis-quote me. i never said 617 was a regional channel. i said fox sports net has like 14 regional sports channels and live events not on these can sometimes be found on channel 617. i got this information straight from foxcollegesports.com and posted the text from their site.

  3. What dhager says, however, still applies to both directtv and dishnetwork, except, directtv has one FSC channel, while dish does not.

    at any rate...

    the one fcs channel on directv plays live events chosen from the three fcs channels. the event chosen is different depending on your region, which is the smart way to do it if you're only going to offer one channel. here's what's on the other two fcs channels during the sioux game:

    arizona high school football replay

    pac-10 women's volleyball

    southland conference football replay

    big 12 football replay

    the only live event the sioux will have to compete against for air time is pac-10 women's volleyball. since it's regional, i would imagine those of us living in the five state area would see north dakota hockey before pac-10 volleyball. in fact, i doubt anybody with directv will see pac-10 women's volleyball because i doubt directv or fcs would deem that as more of crowd draw than college hockey. then again, lacrosse anyone?

  4. Thats because FCS picks game off the FSN channels. However, this deal with UND comes from FSSN which is not a FSN channel, so no dice for those with dishnet.

    i was never talking about dish network to begin with. this was about directv

  5. the games are only going to be on that FCS channel (617) if they show the game. Again if there are more than one option who knows what they'll pick

    It wont be on any other regional sports channel

    again, straight from the fcs web site:

    Most Fox College Sports programming is available on the Fox regional sports networks

    just because it's labelled fsn or some other variation of fox regional sports network and not fcs doesn't mean they may not show it on one of those channels.

  6. straight from foxcollegesports.com:

    Great news! DIRECTV offers great college sports options from Fox!

    Most Fox College Sports programming is available on the Fox regional sports networks, which are included in DIRECTV's Sports Pack. In addition, select Fox College Sports programming that is not available on any of the regional sports networks can usually be found on channel 617. Call DIRECTV at 800-DIRECTV to get subscription details.

    there are 14 fox regional sports networks on directv (there might be some cross-over because of hd vs sd feeds). i imagine between those channels and channel 617, directv subscribers should get most, if not all, of the fssn feeds.

    fcs has never had a contract like this with one specific college hockey team. they do show plenty of college hockey, but this is the first time there's been a deal with one team like this. that being the case, it would seem strange to me for them to work out this contract and then not show the games on one of their 15 channels available to directv subscribers.

    in my experience, if it's showing on comcast, it's showing on directv. whereas, if it's showing on directv, there's a small chance it's showing on comcast. since comast will be getting all these games, i'm confident directv will show them all as well.

    only time will tell though i guess.

  7. Just ordered it. Had to buy a 12-station sports tier to get the FCS channels, but well worth the $7.99 per month.

    plus, if you're an nfl fan, you'll get those five or six games they show later in the season on thursdays and saturdays on the nfl netowrk.

  8. But I guess you all will get your hopes up until October and then it will just get dropped anyway, minus having UM on the schedule for 2012. Win some lose some, I guess?

    it's not over til it's over and it's not over.

    i simply do not agree that not playing um in 2012, if that would have happened either way, is a negative. if we ever play them and i can make the game, then i'll probably go. if we never play them, oh well. are you simply choosing not to comprehend this stance that i've repeated several times now or is it really that hard for you to believe that anybody wouldn't give a damn about gopher football?

  9. LOL are you that scared?

    I honestly don't see the big deal. School teams should just be called the school name, IMO. IE, just call them UND football, NDSU football, UM football, etc.

    Nicknames are pointless. Probably just so they can sell more merchandise.

    Anyway, tangent over. No need to turn this into another nickname thread.


    what does fear even have to do with my response?

    the real issue is that the ncaa, along with a host of other organizations, are using hate mongering, which is working well on folks such as yourself, to try and guilt trip people into making unnecesarry concessions.

    if the two major north dakota tribes are allowed to speak and they both approve of the nickname's use, then clearly the assertion that the name and logo are being used in a hurtful manner is nothing more than a guilty conscience on the part of people such as yourself who's brains, upon viewing such things as the und logo or hearing such words as "sioux", automatically make a racist connection, which speaks volumes about the individual making that connection.

    letting an organization like the ncaa push anybody around is weak and it's always worth fighting against such organizations before things spin out of control. it's always important to maintain checks and balances when dealing with the powers that be.

    you don't care about the und logo and that's fine, but to assert that nobody should care is an extremely closed-minded stance. i'm sure there are things you care about and would fight for even though others wouldn't care less about whatever those things might be.

    your mentality says that, unless there's a global agreement on what's important, then nothing is worth fighting for, nothing is worth defending. i don't agree with that. i think even the smallest things are worth fighting for if they're important to somebody, which our name and logo are to me and many others. it certainly isn't up to you to decide what we should care about.

    i think this "tangent" is pertinent to the topic because i can safely say that the large majority of sioux fans would much rather keep our logo than ever play umn in football. like i said, there's a lot of much better teams out there, such as tt.

  10. He's not?? Isn't he the President of the NCAA meaning the buck stops at his desk. The rules state for something like name changing has to go through presidents of ALL NCAA schools not a committee and that dumbass knew that. He was just shocked that a school like Florida State would complain about it and threaten a lawsuit, or else how come Notre Dame wasn't on the list, or San Diego State. I do wish he would rot in hell i have ZERO respect for him and could care less if he dies or not. If you don't like my opinion then skip over my posts.

    brutal, but honest.

  11. I think that wishing Myles Brand rot in hell is going way overboard, because you seem to think because Myles Brand is the NCAA's sole policy maker. When in fact, he is not. This whole process was created by a comittee made up of college presidents or reps of the institutions of the NCAA. To lay this completely on Myles Brand shows that you are ignorant of how the process works, and the only way to keep the nickname is to truly understand how this process played out, that way we can argue effectively against it.

    Why we do the things we do & say --never ceases to amaze me. Just like this year at the WCHA Final 5 when they interviewed some 10 yr old kid at intermission on the jumbo tron, and the host asked him who he thought would win & the kid responded Duluth...thus bringing a chorus of boos from not only a college age fans, but grown adults as well, I know I was sitting right there. As the host said at that time- "for those of you who would boo a 10 yr old kid...have fun in hell". Now wishing someone to hell for an offense like that is probably more appropriate. Get a grip people or at least get an understanding of who were instrumental at formulating this policy.

    even if he was the sole policy maker, it's not like he fire-bombed homeless people, then jerked off on their corpses here. the wish for one to "rot in hell" should be reserved for the most vile among us, unless of course you don't believe in hell, but then again, why would you even use the expression? unless it's just become a figure of speech for you. damn, i'm arguing with myself again.

  12. It won't be the same scale, I agree.

    But it will still be a fantastic opportunity for UND alumni living in the TC to buy those tickets to watch the game and organize festivities in the cities to celebrate UND athletics, etc.

    BTW, I know you guys are trying to make it look like it's no big deal on purpose because you're desperate to save the nickname...so there's no need to act sincere.

    no act. goofs suck. if everything works out and we get to keep the name, umtc will still invite us and we'll play them. however, like i said, if we never play them ever, no sweat off my balls. we'll just go play a good d1-a team instead and let those cute little gophers take their mindless, un-informed stand. they really are trailblazers at that university, aren't they?

  13. No need for you to pretend that playing MN wouldn't be an awesome opportunity for all the TC UND alums to come watch a great game and be part of a great experience.

    I don't remember the number, but the dome was not empty for the NDSU/UM games.

    And the UM has a new on campus stadium, which I'm sure you'll pretend that you don't care about.

    oh, no need to pretend. i did forget that the goofs have that new stadium though, that might be kind of cool. i'll certainly go watch the badgers smack them around on their home turf once they open the gates on that place and if und ever played them, it would be fun to go to the game, but it's not worth changing our nickname over. i can live my whole life happily without ever playing the gophers in football.

  14. You can't blame them for being outsiders who aren't emotionally biased toward keeping the nickname at any cost, can you? They will do what is best for the university long term.

    if the name changes before the ncaa established deadline while the tribes are still trying to get a vote in, then i can blame them and i will blame them.

    what's best for the university is to allow things to play out rather than making rash decisions.

  15. I guess you'll have to decide if keeping the name is more important than those opportunities, but I think that Kelley and Faison being business men, who make decisions with their brains and not their hearts, already have a strong feeling which way they want to go with this.

    oh that would be so sweet. travel to the state-of-the-art metrodome, park 3 miles away, and sit in a nearly empty arena for some awesome football against one of the worst teams in d1-a.

    oh, but maybe texas, usc, florida, and the likes are all just waiting for the nickname change so they can come banging on our door for a chance to play us.

    i suppose you'd blow off texas tech to have a chance to play the mighty gophers?

    more blah, blah, blah.

  16. The really sad thing is, if by some miracle you get a 30 year agreement out of both SR and SL to keep the nickname, you're still going to be missing these opportunities because the big universities will have their own policies about not scheduling UND.

    Hopefully this is the kick in the pants that the UND president and AD need to say "ok...enough is enough...nickname is done".

    all tremble before the mighty "big universities". do as they say! or else! maintain the status quo. do not fight the powers that be. submit! submit! submit! give up now! your only options are conformity or death!!!!

  17. OK I know that this is the wrong forum but I have to ask. It is nickname related.

    Myles Brand has pancreatic cancer, when he dies is there a remote chance a new NCAA head would go against this policy of Brands and let UND keep the nickname. Sorry for being morbid but I had to ask.

    i'm guessing there isn't enough time for the ncaa to change it's position on this matter.

  18. it's quite clear that every fan site's posts declares that their rival or rivals are the worst, most biligurent, most classless fans in the world. that's the way it's always been and that's the way it will always be. that being the case, it's impossible to decide which team's fans truly are the most annoying and least classy.

    fact is, every team has a percentage of annoying fans and good fans. my guess is that those percentages are pretty consistent across the board, regardless of what team you're talking about.

    the sioux fans and bison fans on here who claim that their fans are the best and the other team's fans are classless and moronic would have the reverse view if they were a fan of the other team. that's simply the way it is and it makes clear sense that it would be that way. of course everybody wants to be associated with the "good" guys, just as everybody would like to believe that their closest rivals possess a fanhood of troublemakers and imbiciles.

    you see the same thing in fraternities, branches of the military, competing companies in a given industry and, of course, in world relations.

    for this reason, you won't see me posting something on a rival team's message board bashing them for being crappy fans and declaring that the fans of my team are far superior, like some kind of retard who actually believes that, somehow, all the "good fans" just happened to flock toward my team and all the "crappy fans" somehow ended up rooting for my team's rival.

    therefore, i don't understand why this message board is constantly bombarded with fans of other teams, one specifically, who's only goal is to talk trash about the sioux.

    if you're one of these people, i'm curious, do you really believe that people who root for und athletics are just, by some giant, impossible coincidence, all jerks and poor fans? honestly, do you believe that is possible? i only ask because that certain percentage of annoying, biligurent fans i referenced early...well, if you're on another team's fan site bashing the fans of that team, then you're likely in that percentage of your team's fans.

    ironic, isn't it?

  19. I was just about to point out the same thing in regards to the sudden hatred of the new interlocking "ND". I don't recall everyone complaining about it (with the possible exception of DaveK) in the "New Uniforms" thread. Face it, the old "ND" will always be looked at as the Notre Dame "ND". I like the fact that someone recognized that and decided to give it a fresh look. Perhaps I'm the wrong one to ask about the artistic appeal with the new logo. Remember my "attempt" at creating something new. :)

    well, i'm glad to note that i'm not the only person who saw the obvious notre dame rip-off.

  20. I like it. Doesn't look a hell of alot different than the old one if you ask me. It's an N and a D for crying out loud.

    yeah, it does look pretty modern though, which takes away from the old-timey look you'd expect from a university as old as und. i think it's fine, though. it'll probably be old-timey looking in ten years anyways and at least we're not blantantly copying notre dame anymore.

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