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Everything posted by gfhockey

  1. All hail BO bignshake up coming in city hall!
  2. Don’t get me wrong seems like a smart dude and write one hell of a speech but a city of this city doesn’t need that position
  3. Haga and Feland are pretty nervous right about now David was just on Knox and wouldn’t answer yes or no about defunding the gfpd
  4. If I pay for Hulu do I get ESPN+ i got the $55 verision of Hulu
  5. Any one see turner going toe to toe with Chaves on Twitter
  6. Little concern 1stvyear d cord now commits yet what gices
  7. interest rates for altru aren’t low. There rating has been downgraded a few times sinole economics bad credit higher rate
  8. I hear the bun and broken drum have been busy
  9. Broken drum also open. Very good food there the spicer boys have
  10. Heard bars were jammed pack Saturday which is good to see.
  11. Who was involved in the fake twitter account earlier this year?
  12. What bout beasley he was a 2nd elunder
  13. Downtown grand forks center square was hopping today when I drove buy.
  14. All the homeless people tho are just partying cause they can’t get in the mission drunk.
  15. Ray Richards club house project got out on hold so there’s that
  16. Might as well kept brew and saved on buyiut
  17. Well if winter sports get another year give Marlon another scholly
  18. That was a good contract. I assume that bun as contract extension had half base pay too
  19. Brews last tweet was big time call received i wonder if Brew was trying to imply that the Roseau girl was coming here
  20. Bubba plays up to competition and also plays down
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