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Everything posted by urstillamelvin

  1. Trupp
  2. Gregs
  3. kristo
  4. trupp
  5. Trupp
  6. gregoire
  7. i take trupper for today!!
  8. HEXY!!
  9. pregame radio just said it's a lower body injury
  10. what about us general public Sioux fans?? I love going to this series, just bummed my family and I couln't get tickets
  11. it will be worse. the REA pretty much put a stop to the general public getting tickets to this series....
  12. Lamoureux (Malone)
  13. They have some pretty good food. I am not sure of the hotels surrounding it, but its within walking distance to several. The bus leaves a half hour before the game starts. You have to show up and get a ticket for the bus, so 45-60 minutes before game time is a good idea. Just ask the waitress or bartender for a tickets.
  14. Sugars, the bar at the Holiday Inn, has a bus. Its free and usually a pretty good time.
  15. my video just came back
  16. go to tailgators on main. best place to watch.
  17. I found tickets, but thanks for the offer!
  18. would like 2 tickets for friday nights game
  19. Kozek pleaaase
  20. this is a long shot... but I am looking for 5 tickets for any home game. would like five in a row, but would take two together and three together. THANKS!!
  21. last year at the new hampshire series, some couple next to me tapped me on my shoulder midgame. they had to inform me that when i leaned forward (to see play in the corner) they couldnt see and that i needed to stop that. ridiculous.
  22. Tailgators is the best place to go. lots of sioux fans (usually) and you can actually hear the game.
  23. no kidding. someone should let them know we paid to watch a hockey game, not a floating tiger head.
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