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Posts posted by bcblues

  1. Nice statement game for the Sioux. Walk into the number one team we are tied with, and defenitively beat them up. If we can have a respectable showing Sat night, it will likely bump up our standings a bit.

    We need to take charge of tomorrow night's game early and often, and shut up the home fans, giving the Sioux fans something to shout about.

  2. You can tell with the four goal lead UND decided to play a defensively safe period. Third man always high, any even numbered rushes the puck goes deep, and even the wings are hanging lower in their own end giving SCSU the points and the outside.

    Prevent defense. Does it EVER work?

  3. In the NCHC or for us? Until the end of the game...SCSU and UND are tied for 1. On the roster...we don't have a person wearing #1

    Joke, man!

    I meant that to mean that we WERE tied with the Huskies. Unless we find a way to snatch defeat out of the jaws ov victory, we should be alone on top after this game.

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