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Posts posted by luapsided

  1. Dear Cratter,

    If the nickname and logo are more important to you than the University of North Dakota and it's student-athletes, don't go to the games anymore, don't support the institution anymore and get the heck off of this forum while you are at it! :angry:

    Problem solved.

    I am simply supporting the majority of the sioux tribe who want to keep their believed to be honored name. Until that changes or goes away, I know how I will vote when it shows up on the ballot

    • Upvote 2
  2. The tribes had an opportunity a few years ago to speak up and be heard about how honored they were by the name. They chose not to and the timeframe for the agreement past. The NCAA is following an agreement that was in place.

    I wish they didn't wait so long. None of this would be going on still....

  3. Since they win most of their lawsuits, I'm pretty sure it isn't unconstitutional. They are a PRIVATE organization, so different laws and standards apply than if they were part of the government.

    And yes I kind of agree with this. But peoples rights are peoples rights and it shouldn't matter what organization you are

  4. Dave,

    What they do is not illegal. There is no law preventing them from doing what they do. Their authority has been challenged in courts before and the courts decided in their favor. The NCAA is not a government entity. It is a private organization that makes their own rules. We don't like the rules and I understand that you think this is so important to some that we should drop athletics rather than play by their rules, but stick to the facts. What they do is not illegal.

    unconstitutional is the better word.
    • Upvote 1
  5. If only more people would fight for things instead of rolling over in their graves....I'm more and more annoyed with fighting irish these days and id like to rally a few of us irish catholics together to have their mascot changed. I think six would be efficient enough to get the job done. :/

    • Upvote 1
  6. So now your calling native americans idiots? Not wise.

    Are you f$!%ing serious?!? This is what UND (and the state, minus Al Carlson, with the repeal law) attempted to do!! Then a bunch of retards idiots got together with petitions and screwed up the entire process.

    Based on your comments, you obviously live in a box. You have no idea what has happened in the last 7 years (or 1 year, for that matter) and you have no clue as to how the sanctions will harm UND.

    • Upvote 1
  7. Are you f$!%ing serious?!? This is what UND (and the state, minus Al Carlson, with the repeal law) attempted to do!! Then a bunch of retards idiots got together with petitions and screwed up the entire process.

    Based on your comments, you obviously live in a box. You have no idea what has happened in the last 7 years (or 1 year, for that matter) and you have no clue as to how the sanctions will harm UND.

    If you had common sense you would see that everything seems to keep repeating itself. Instead of them sending a letter restating the sanctions to the school, as someone mentioned, send the letter to the state where all the control is. I keep hearing the same stuff, maybe in different context, over and over, so why not repeat what I said. Unclench the butt cheeks sir.

  8. Woman's hockey isn't on neutral ice for the first round. It is held at the homes of the top 4 seeds. Unless one of them is UND, then it will be held at the homes of the other 3 of the top 4 seeds and the home of the UND opponent. Doesn't that sound fair after all of their hard work?

    What I meant about neutral ice is that they take everything off the ice and boards and plaster NCAA on everything. They'd take anything painted, aka the Sioux head on the ice, to make it neutral for both teams. Like the year of the fantastic Holy Cross regional. :D

  9. And for those who are getting red faced over all of this, the continued supporters of the Sioux nickname, I do understand what is going on. Its like the first National Anthem of the Sioux game following 9/11. It wasn't home of the Sioux that night, it was home of the brave. Everyone knew this as there is a time and a place where 100% morality comes into play. However, during this time, I feel that the fight isn't over and the voices that need to be heard, will be heard. So it is home of the Sioux, at this time. Threaten our University, bully us around. It'll only show how strong we are down the road. It only took a few voices to cause this mess and it'll only take a few voices to clean the mess up. A few years lost is better than a lifetime of tradition.

    • Upvote 2
  10. ESPN wants to interview Frank Black Cloud. The NCAA is about to get a lot of bad publicity. They are going to be sorry they messed with the Fighting Sioux. The NCAA is going to go down in flames, and it will be the most satisfying victory in the history of the Fighting Sioux. I get will 1000 times more pleasure out of this victory than any of the ones ever won on the ice or playing field.

    I'll be watching ESPN in anticipation. How did you hear this?

  11. It's not that anybody thinks the NCAA will reconsider, it's that we think there will come a time when they will have no other choice but to back off. What they're doing is illegal, and will be proven so in a court of law. Spirit Lake is going to do to the NCAA what Georgia Tech did to Cumberland. Wait and see, and when the time comes get in line to hear me say "I TOLD YOU SO!!!"

    Well said. You know its not even about the athletes, the University, the Alumni ect. Its what is right and wrong with the whole thing and how the NCAA is handling everything. Talking about poor sportsmanship!

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  12. Which pretty much leaves out Fetch, DaveK, Luapsided, Al Carlson, Scott Hennen, Reed Soderstrom, Frank Black Cloud and other idiots pushing petitions, or thinking the NC$$ will reconsider the matter.

    And you forgot about about more than 70% of whites and 70% or more of the Sioux tribe. Just sayin.

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  13. do they even have a clue what is going on in north dakota? I feel like they think we are simply ignoring them and continuing on with life while they are missing everything in the middle. Not that this is their duty but it is a little bigger than it seems on how they handle things. Ncaa for president. I'm writing them on the ballot without a doubt as they can do anything.

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