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Posts posted by Hammersmith

  1. We are still waiting for that Sonic to open.

    Supposed to be a month or three, right? I keep forgetting to drive past the site. I think I was actually there a few days ago, but it was night and I forgot to pay close attention. Concrete was supposed to be done something like a month ago, so the steel should be finished or nearly so. Maybe walls as well?

  2. One million seems like a lot of money but is it a lot for an exit fee? Where does this rank among other conferences?

    Here's what I could come up with. Some of it could be out of date. Conferences sometimes raise their fees and no one notices until a member leaves. Summit went from near the bottom to mid-pack.

    ACC $50M

    Big 12 $19M-38M(depending on notice)

    AAC $11.5M

    Big East $5M-15M(depending on notice)

    CUSA $500k base fee plus TV revenue share = $4M+

    MWC 3x-6x the annual member conference payout(depending on notice)

    MAC $2.5M

    A-10 $2M

    Big West $1.5M

    SoCon $1M-1.5M(depending on notice)

    CAA $1M

    Horizon $1M

    Summit $1M

    WAC $900k-1M

    OVC $500k-750k

    MAAC $250k-1M(depending on notice)

    Southland $250k(may be out of date)

    NEC $250k

    AEast $250k

    A-Sun $200k

    Big South undisclosed, but there is one

    Big 10 no fee - give up media rights

    Pac-12 no fee - give up media rights

    MVC no fee

    SEC no fee

    Ivy no fee(assumption)

    MEAC unknown

    Patriot unknown

    SWAC unknown

    WCC unknown

  3. Nov 15 @ Colorado

    Nov 16-23 WNIT Tourney (TBD)

    Jan 1 Montana

    Jan 3 Montana State

    Feb 14 @ Montana

    Feb 16 @ Montana State

    TBD: Minnesota

    Dec 13: @ NDSU

    TBD: @ USD

    Doubleheader at Scheels Arena for the men and women this year per Dom Izzo

    NDSU game on Dec 6. Still at Scheels Arena, but no longer a doubleheader with the men. Per Izzo on the Bison Media Blog

  4. Hammer. The thing that I think has no shot in hell of happening is an 11th FBS conf coming from a current conf at the FCS level. NCAA administrators have said specifically that FCS conferences can't move up as a group, so why would this AC allow this to happen? Also, wouldn't the SBC or any FBS conf going to more than 16 teams be a major ref flag to the AC? It's split waiting to happen. With FBS membership closely guarded, I say no way 6 get approved as a group, and no way an FCS conf would be allowed to move up, even if all the schools coming in had completed the transition.

    I don't really disagree with you. I also think something like this would raise a giant red flag to the AC and the BoD. I'm just saying there's nothing explicitly stated in the rules to prevent it. The disagreement in the different camps here is whether the NCAA would use some other method to stop it. You think yes. I tend to think yes(although I'm not as certain). Star is an emphatic no. Most around here lean no but aren't as confident as star. It comes down to spirit vs. letter of the rule and whether the NCAA has the will to use gray-area methods to enforce the spirit when there's a loophole in the letter.

    But I also don't think it matters. A plan like this requires the active consent of over twenty-five different schools, each with a slightly different set of priorities. I just don't think that many can band together for a plan designed to bend the rules to the breaking point. And this would also be the beginning of the end of the Big Sky. The finished conference would have so many schools that internal tensions would eventually tear it apart. How many 14+ member conferences have withstood the test of time? Unless there are massive amounts of money holding them together(P5), a group from within eventually mutinies. See WAC, Big East, etc.

    The far more likely scenario is what most of us both here and on BV think: The P5 will split off in some way(complete or partial) and eventually a new middle level will emerge with the G5 and a couple FCS conferences. It won't be immediate, but probably within a decade of the P5 split. It will also likely be a process and not a single massive change. Remember how everyone thought we were going to see four, 16-team conferences form overnight? That kind of shift was too radical for all concerned. Instead, the involved parties decided each on their own to move in steps. Some big, some small. I think the creation of a middle DI football subdivision will happen the same way. A series of steps over the next several years. But I don't believe star's plan will be part of that process.

  5. I can't believe I'm getting into this, but there were a couple questions in the thread that haven't been answered yet and a piece of information that wasn't complete.

    Who exactly could stop star's idea from happening(asked by jdub27 and dmksioux)? The NCAA DI Administration Cabinet and the DI Board of Directors. The Administration Cabinet monitors schools as they reclassify to FBS and then they pass their recommendation to the BoD for the final vote. The AC also has the power to add years to the transition if they feel the school hasn't satisfied the yearly guidelines set forth in the manual. Applicable bylaws are in

    DI Administration Cabinet: http://web1.ncaa.org/committees/committees_roster.jsp?CommitteeName=1ADC

    DI Board of Directors: http://web1.ncaa.org/committees/committees_roster.jsp?CommitteeName=BOARD

    Don't know if all members of these two groups vote on FBS petitions or just the FBS representatives.

    The bit of info that was left out from a previous post was about the 8 FBS member requirement for FBS conferences. Those 8 members have to be full members of the conference and not just football affiliates(20.02.6). That means the Sun Belt doesn't actually meet the requirement at the moment. If Georgia State has completed their transition, then the Sun Belt has 7; if not, the SBC is only at 6. App St and Georgia Southern will eventually get the Sun Belt to 9, and the two-year grace period will probably cover their butts until ASU2 & GSU2 finish the process. Still, the SBC is just as much on the technicality edge as some were claiming the Summit was a year ago.

    This added fact also complicates star's plan. It means Cal Poly and UC Davis cannot be part of the group that moves to the Sun Belt because they would not help fulfill the 8 member requirement once they returned to the Big Sky(unless they left the Big West in all sports). It also means the plan walks a razor's edge where every single school has to do exactly the right thing or autobids are lost. If NMSU signs onto the plan, there would be a single school margin for error. Without NMSU, there is zero margin for error. To say the plan is a minefield is a massive understatement.

    That said, the plan is technically possible if unlikely in the extreme.

    Now if you don't care about keeping the Big Sky's FCS autobid, then it becomes a heck of a lot easier.

  6. Are you sure about that? Weren't those games like the last weekend of November and first weekend of December? I highly doubt that the temp. was subzero that early. I trust that there have been some years with subzero temps that early, but we all know that they are few and far between. But let's just say for the sake of discussion that your memory is correct... If they didn't have the Fargodome, would Dakotah Field not have been sold out with rabid Bison fans cheering their team on to victory in the cold? Would that not have gone down as one of those monumental moments that will live on in eternal memory? As opposed to just another bland day under the roof, exactly the same as every other day under the roof? I'm sorry but indoor football is just incredibly stale from my point of view. Never respected the 98 Vikings or 99 Rams for that very reason. What would Vince Lombardi have thought of playing football under a roof?

    Furman game(2nd round - Dec 7): high -8F, low -17F; tailgating: negative teens, wind chill negative 20s/30s

    Coastal Carolina game(quarterfinal - Dec 14): high +2F, low -12F; tailgating around zero, wind chill around -10F

    UNH game(semifinals - Dec 20): high +6F, low -13F; tailgating single digits above, wind chill single digits below

    info: NWS via Weather Underground

  7. You're joking, right? They a full figure skating event there after the 1994 Olympics with Nancy Kerrigan, and a bunch of the Olympic skaters. It was definitely on real ice.

    I'm thinking of something that happened much later that involved skating. Maybe mid/late-2000s. Definitely not Olympic level stuff. This group used synthetic ice. Might have even been one of those "<insert_here> on Ice".

  8. No to free exposure? What's the concern?

    A lot of theories, but I'm of the opinion of a scheduling conflict with the Fargodome. Not all that long after word got out that Montana and NDSU weren't moving the game to get it on ESPN, the Katy Perry concert was announced. Personally, I think the contract for the concert had been signed earlier and the dome wasn't available.

    The other leading theory is that GT/CK didn't want Montana and Iowa State back to back to start the season.

  9. No it applies to FCS as well. The Bohl example just happens to involve an FBS school.

    Correct and incorrect. Both FBS and FCS have recruiting dead periods this time of year, but they occur at different times. FBS has a solid month off, while FCS is just the holidays plus the third week in January for some reason.

    FBS: December 16th through January 15th

    FCS: December 23rd through January 3rd, January 13th through 16th

    http://www.ncaa.org/...iting calendars

  10. http://www.grandfork...group/homepage/

    This dimwit wants to rip up the policy manual and start over before UND gets to the business of hiring a new coach. :silly::crazy:

    I think you misunderstand the editorial. They're not talking about the hiring process, they're talking about the investigation process. With Hardee's resignation, it would be easy to brush the half-completed investigation under the rug and forget about it. The Herald is saying that the investigation over what happened should continue to its conclusion even while the hiring of a new coach is in progress or after the new coach is on the job if necessary..

  11. How many regular season und hockey games are on national TV vs football at ndsu?

    UND hockey

    National: 8/36 = .222 (CBSSN, NBCSN)

    Any: 26/36 = .722 (MidcoSN, Root)

    NDSU football

    National: 4/11 = .367 (FS1, FCS)

    Any: 11/11 = 1.000 (NBCND, FSNorth(+), MidcoSN)

    Think I got it right. Didn't count exhibitions, post-season, or internet streams. If you count PPV(ESPN GamePlan), then NDSU's national number jumps to 8/11(.727).

  12. If he continues to coach it will be because Gene wants to win now and is sacrificing next season/recruiting for this year. Both schools recruiting will suffer.

    No, if Bohl continues to coach it means both Klieman and Vigen are going with him as well as others and there'd be nobody left otherwise.

    • Upvote 1
  13. Did FU actually send tweets to all voters in the AP poll begging for votes in the poll?

    You mean the university or a single person who happens to be something like 19 years old? Maybe as old as 23 or something? One guy on BV thought it would be a cool idea to have NDSU actually crack the AP top-25 by the end of the season and not just get the token couple votes that the FCS champion normally gets. Just about everyone thought it was a bad idea and would never happen, but it looks like SamsRams(they guy that runs that twitter account) tried to run with it. Drunk on the Gameday experience. Mildly embarrassing for the rest of us. Still, only an importance of about 0.03 compared to the 9000 of the coaching news.

  14. I thought you couldn't recruit kids that had committed to your previous school unless your new school was already recruiting them or something like that.

    Nope. Some schools might try to include that in a coach's contract, but the lawyers say it's unenforceable. It was part of a Forum story on Bohl's contract negotiation.

  15. That plane is a single-turbo prop. That could land in my back yard.

    Why not Laramie?

    I'm going to be skeptical until it's real. (But, I'm leaning that it will turn out that way.)

    Could it have been an attempt at obfuscation? File a flight plan for Cheyenne and then change it at that last minute or even while in the air? No one would have thought twice about it if not for the leak.

  16. Hammer Which coaches go with?

    No clue. I'm not connected in any way and just as blindsided as anyone. I'm guessing at least one coordinator will stay and get the HC job. Would be surprised if he didn't take at least a couple assistants; probably the ones we'd hate to lose the most.

  17. I don't think the Forum or KFGO would run with this if they weren't sure it was true. Imagine how much egg they would have on their faces if it turns out to be a hoax. CBS isn't "The Onion".

    Notice how the places you mention are handling it? They are both putting right in the title that this is from a CBS report. That's covering their asses in case it turns out to be false.

    That being said, I agree with jdub27 that the silence from Bohl is telling. Also, a BVer checked into publicly available flight records and there's a flight scheduled tomorrow morning for Fargo to Cheyenne. Put it together and he's probably(almost certainly) gone.

  18. http://kfgo.com/news...new-head-coach/

    And now KFGO has it on their web site. Three media sources; I think it's legit.

    Again, everything goes back to the CBS report. There aren't three media sources, just one story being repeated. Looks like Izzo, Kolpack and the others couldn't get anyone on the record and are going with it anyway. Maybe they got off the record confirmation from someone..

  19. Still no mention of it on the forum site. Probably in denial. ;)

    Trying to confirm. So far, everything leads back to a single source: the CBS reporter Bruce Feldman. It's probably real, but they want a second source before publishing.

  20. $50,000,000 per year times 6 years equals $300,000,000. They had some better success in some years, not quite as much in others. Not sure where I'm double counting. This includes all fundraising for the University including athletics, education, facilities, etc. The Foundation believes that they can continue fundraising $40-50,000,000 per year going forward. But thanks for your interest in UND.

    I had a really long post typed up, but it probably would have been a waste of electrons. You all took my post wrong, but that was my fault for not being more clear. The UND Foundation has done an incredible job during the Spirit campaign and deserves nothing but praise. My comment was meant about potential unrealistic expectations based on numbers in press releases. The short explanation could best be delivered as a question: If the fantastic $325M total from the campaign includes immediate donations as well as future gifts, how much is in each category and will the $40M-$50M in future years include donations that were initially part of Spirit? It's an honest pair of questions. If the vast bulk of Spirit was in the form of immediate donations, then you should expect to see an immediate ~$300M impact on the university. But if a significant portion of the total was in the form of future giving, then it might take some time to see the full impact. And if money pledged as part of Spirit is also counted in the numbers for future years, that's where the double counting comment comes from.

    In any case, I'm still yellow and green through and through, but I have no problem admitting the green is a little brighter lately out of envy for what your foundation has accomplished. Huzzahs* to them and the greater UND community.

    Oh, and besides the whole "we are both major universities in a small state" sort of thing, I have a bunch of relatives that are UND graduates(1/2 the family is from NE ND) including one that is featured pretty prominently in your annual and lifetime donation lists. Hence the continued interest in UND.

    *I've been teaching the Napoleonic Wars lately

  21. UND just completed a fund raising campaign that raised $324,000,000 in something like 6 years. UND is now raising $40-50,000,000 per year in donations and they expect to continue raising money at that rate. I don't know how much you want people to give.

    Be careful not to double-count the money. Just saying.

  22. Not to mince words too much, but when an AD says "program" do they mean "sport" or "department".

    Most say department when they mean department, don't they? And to that point, most say "programs" (as in more than one sport), and never say "departments" (unless referencing the rest of their university).

    The first sentence of the article is:

    North Dakota State University’s athletics program needs millions of dollars each year from the school and its students to get by.

    The rest of the article continues to use the word program to describe the entire athletics department, not individual sports. The Missouri State AD uses the term FCS not to refer to football, but as a way to describe one of the three broad groups within DI(FBS, FCS, & no-FB).

    How about this quote that comes a couple paragraphs before the MSU quote:

    The 74 other programs like NDSU and UND – Division I schools with teams in the smaller Football Championship Subdivision – that reported information to USA Today received nearly 70 percent of their revenues from their school and students, on average. Only four schools relied less on subsidies than NDSU. UND was just behind, at No. 7.

    Again, the article consistently uses the term program to refer to an entire athletic department. When the article talks about a particular sport or team, it makes note of it in a way that separates it from the way the article uses the term program.

    The Minnesota Golden Gophers athletics program, with its Big Ten football squad, pulled in $35.8 million last year through rights and licensing, according to the USA Today study.

    So in this instance, program refers to athletic department. That may not hold true for future articles, but that is the way this author decided to go on this day.

    God am I bored today.

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