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Posts posted by Siouxmama

  1. Agreed. Add coaching as well. Once you get out of the eastern part of the state, youth coaching drops off. I'm not saying there are not qualified coaches in the west, but the west doesn't have the depth needed to develop the same numbers (per capita) of Minnesota. Most mite/squirt/pee-wee coaching are parents who may have never played high-school, yet alone DIII/DI hockey.

    I grew up in North Dakota playing bouncyball, I always had a coach with at least high-school and, in most cases, DIII or DII experience. It does help....

    I agree with the small town theory. I grew up in Devils Lake. While hockey was a sport, starting at termites, any games they played had to be traveling games. This was before the majority of families went and stayed in hotels, and parents who could go would take extra kids and some of the others would stay with "host families", the homes of the opponents parents. This was not uncommon, as my parents were host many times to visiting kids. (Side note: my brother played against Ed Belfour many times, and when in Devils Lake, he usually stayed with my best friends family. Ray and Ed had similar last names, so thats how he picked him to stay with his family. Anyway...my long winded point is, hockey is expensive, and in smaller towns, the expense falls onto the parents, as there aren't as many organizations in smaller towns to help sponsor teams and assist with the cost. I think this may have kept many kids out of hockey, and they played another sport. Who knows the talent we may have had.

  2. Actually, in the national championship game, the Wisco crowd can be heard chanting clearly "Eades is a goon" when he is on the ice. Near the end of the game, and following it, the Wisco crowd gave the Sioux team a standing O, including Eades as he skated with the trophy.

    The water bottle incident happened during the regular season at Wisco, and although Eades was the one squirted with the water bottle, Archie played a large role in the melee that ensued on the Wisco bench. Archie was led off the ice to the Sioux dressing room, and ran around on the concrete in the tunnels (in his skates, sparks flying all the way around on the concrete) and back up the ramp to the Wisco bench, and the brawl renewed.

    Can't believe we don't have a Sioux fan with a video of that game?

    Did we see a bit of that in the video that was shown the night we arrived in Milwaukee in the hotel bar? I cant remember who had the video, but it was fights. I'd like to get a copy of that if anyone knows who it belongs to.

  3. With this all being in 1982, I dont remember it. Can somebody fill me in on Siouxnami's post (#3) and Blackheart's (#12)? Thanks in advance.

  4. The flickertail or Mrs. Richardson's butterscotch-carmel ground squirrel or faux gopher or whatever the beast in our garage is will soon be gettintg a new address. I bought a live trap from Home of Economy. All we have to do is bait the trap, catch the little bugger and move him. I've even received expert advice on where it should be relocated to be with members of its own species. I'll post photos, assuming that nothing overly bloody happens. ;)

    I'm going to request that this new address is not near my office on 28th avenue. :lol:

  5. That's hilarious, considering the fact that my guns (to use the word very loosely) are far from impressive. I'm very thin, with a build like Steven Tyler of Aerosmith.

    Now all you have to do is break out your spandex pants, huge wax lips and 10' long scarves for your microphone. ;)

  6. Good Luck getting rid of it. This year I have seen more of these around than ever before. Behind my office building they have taken up residence and the maintenance guy said he has tried numerous times to get rid of them, they just keep coming back, and they bring buddies. :sad:

    We have lots at the lake, too, but I refuse to feed them my peanut butter bread! ;)

  7. Going to the lake (Eastbay, Devils Lake) for the extra long weekend. Go out and do some fishing, finish a stained glass project I have in progress, and watch the kids swim by our dock. Pretty relaxing and enjoyable. We can see the fireworks display across the lake that the Spirit Lake Casino has. Looking forward to the weekend.

  8. I had something similar happen during the 2006 WCHA Final Five in St. Paul. I was buying a Coke at a concession stand in the X while wearing my black Sioux hockey jersey. Out of the blue, the guy waiting on me said, "I really like the way North Dakota's jerseys are put together. They're very sharp. I hope UND gets to keep the Fighting Sioux name."

    I was so taken aback that all I said was, "Thanks. I do too."

    It's probably safe to assume that this person wasn't a Sioux fan. I thought it was great that he went out of his way to say that.

    I also was at the Final Five this year and went to the t shirt vendor and a girl (30 something) walked up next to me, got right in my face, and said "Sioux Suck". Total stranger, took me off guard, I just looked at her told her she was a perfect example of why so many people dislike the MN fans. I stressed that it's not the team, it's the fans. After a bit of a tounge lashing from me, her boyfriend/husband tried to smooth things over by being extra nice to me. Had to just shake my head and walk away. Not worth the breath talking to people like her.

  9. Very disrespectful remark about Sparky. I hadn't heard that he moped around. As far as not wanting to be here, there is a huge difference between that and missing your family and homeland. We will see a difference this year with him being gone. He made many great plays and goals. I, for one, will miss him. :sad:

  10. Whoa, major memory clog. It's Barry that I found HOT. Maurice was ok and Robin was just down right homely. Andy, baby bro, was not part of the Bee Gees.

    Judging from the fit of those pants, I'm guessing their children are all adopted. ;);)

    How do you think Barry was able to hit all those high notes?!? :sad:

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