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Posts posted by Siouxmama

  1. 2-1 wisco Kangas just broke his stick

    EDIT: Wow they just disallowed the goal and even the gopher homers are saying they disagree with it. The goal was fine.

    But now Woog has recanted and says he agrees with the no goal call because the Wisco player had momentum going into the goalie, even though he was grabbed and ?pushed? in my Weirs (sp?)

    Hmm. another goal by Wisco.

    2-1 WI

  2. Actually, you can get one of the other CBS channels on Satellite. You only have to put a request into DirecTv, and they will have to ask permission from KXJB to allow a different CBS to be viewed. I kind of find that amusing, since it was KXJB's idea to to be taken off DirecTv. They could have stayed on as a sign of good faith until they resolved the issue.

    I was told by DirecTV that this request could take up to 90 days, and then may still not be approved.

  3. In today's GFH, Virg Foss has a good article named "Good quotes can outlast all of us".

    Just one of the good ones:

    After he scored a big goal in a win over Minnesota, he further antagonized the Gophers by skating down the row of Gophers on their bench as to "high-five" them. It was more than Gopher coach Doug Woog could take. "Hey Blake, how does it feel to be a 25-year-old junior?" Woog screamed out at Blake. "I'm only 24," Blake reportedly shot back. "And you know what? I'll be back next year - and you won't."

    Funny stuff. :D

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