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Everything posted by siouxstudent

  1. I actually haven't responded to the article directly. Was just making a point if thats ok.
  2. This is exactly it, if no one reads/responds its gone. They are just looking for a reaction and someone to call them names so they can write another article or point out all the people that called them an idiot.
  3. If we end up only returning Gage, Wolanin and Shaw on D we are going to have some holes to fill...
  4. Brad's article on Gage returning makes it sound like Thompson is leaving and will sign soon.
  5. Kings & LaDue were in frequent communication last week. Official announcement / decision is believed to be imminent.
  6. All this Anas and Pecknold talk in this thread is making me nauseous. Any word on if all the boys are coming back yet?
  7. I guess I will never understand the complex NDSU has with UND. When NDSU wins a championship I think about it for all of 5 minutes and my day goes on. Apparently these people go into full blown baby mode when we win. We all should just be flattered and not respond, really its quite funny.
  8. Put it this way, was he hurt - yes. The antics and bs crying etc got real old though. Im sure he is a tough kid, just a dramatic one.
  9. Haha I had a few classes with Jonesy too, I do remember that as well.
  10. What exactly is the injury? Is he expected to be ready by October?
  11. Sounds right minus the fact Luke is leaving.
  12. So if im reading this right so far we have lost Ladue, Stech and Luke- kept Brock - with possibility of losing Thompson, Cam, Schmaltz, Pogo?
  13. I feel like we have this discussion and say the exact same things every single year.........
  14. Even if it did end up being a good decision, I doubt a former player would promote it. Probably wouldnt go over great.
  15. will be there, seriously Tampa every year as my vote. wow not even debatable
  16. For those of u not in tampa, I have no words....I seriously cannot explain the night. you had to be there. Unreal GO SIOUX
  17. So its 10 free rides up to $5 each apparently.
  18. might have to try this Lyft out, have only used Uber in the past. That code good for any ride free?
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