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Posts posted by fightonsioux

  1. At the Saturday hockey game there was a student with a headdress on. I do no condone this and I'm sure it was some idiot that was drunk and thought it was funny. I hope he was put in his place. It's a few idiots like that that give all of us a bad name.

    To quote Dorreen Yellow Bird

    "don't judge a whole group by the actions of a few."

  2. I thought the McForum wasn't going to write about the lowly DII program at UND. They sent two reporters to the game on Saturday. McFeeley being one of them.

    Since there are way more Sioux fans in McFargo than McBison fans, I can't believe he dares to write stuff like this.

    Please God, don't let him apply for the Herald opening.

  3. "So go ahead and think I hate the world. But I know that what I'm doing is because I love my people. I see them hurt, so I will stand up for them." GrahamKracker

    Except the ones that disagree with you. Like the Sioux woman who is afraid to wear her backpack with the Sioux logo on it because of the harassment she gets from her own people...like you.. who say "But I know that what I'm doing is because I love my people. I see them hurt, so I will stand up for them."

    Like Dorreen Yellow Bird says in her column "Don't judge a whole group by the actions of a few."

    I am not going to judge all the Sioux people by your actions.

  4. I have to agree with PCM's column in the Herald.

    The Native Americans are choosing to vote with their feet by attending UND. That includes Grahamkracker. Whether he likes it or not he chose UND knowing the nickname was Sioux. So he was OK with the name when he got here and let all those white professors change his mind. Once again the whities are the dominant race and you are letting them be that.

    The only threats I have heard are from the "colleague" that Longie referred to in his letter in the Herald.

    The only t-shirts I have seen for way more than a decade are on the Bridges website. I like how they keep bringing this up (even in todays paper) because there is no recent proof of any racism so they have to bring up incidents from decades ago.

    I am so glad that my people (Irish, Norwegian, German and French Canadian, which is part Indian) don't have elders that speak for us. We live in the United State of America, which give us the right to freedom, and our elders have always let us speak our minds and have our own opinions.

    And yes, I am close to my heritage. Anytime you want to come out and make lefse with me or have a green beer just let me know.

    And yes, Jesus would wear a Sioux hockey jersey.

  5. I just read Erik Longie's letter in the Herald. I can't believe what I just read. He says in his letter that he talked to a colleague (no name of course) and this is what she said about Kupchella bringing students to the meeting.

    "Those poor students. All that they want is an education, and Kupchella will use them to further his own cause. But when the come back to the reservation to work someday, (this is the part that made me almost fall off my chair) there are going to be people who will use this against them. They are too young and naive about tribal politics to realize that what they are doing will hurt their future."

    This is a flat out threat!!!

  6. Erik Longie must be really old by now if he can remember the "old days." Because if he wasn't physically there for the "old days" everything he's heard has been be second, third and probably even fourth hand stories. I think we all remember doing that in school. One person is told something and by the time it gets to the last person in class it's not even the same story that was originally told.

  7. I really don't care if Turtle Mountain is Chippewa and not Sioux. They were brought into this whole thing by Jesse Taken Alive. As far as I'm concerned they have every right to voice their opinion on this. If they didn't have a right, then Taken Alive shouldn't have brought them up.

    Speak up Turtle Mountain. You have every right too.

  8. As I was sitting here munching on a graham cracker I was just wonder if GC and KTF actually know the facts:

    There is a terrible tragedy happening in the South right now. In case you two haven't heard it is called Hurricane Katrina. So far thousands of people have been believed to have died because of this hurricane...oh I'm sorry, I forgot there is something more important going on...trying to change a nickname. I digress.

  9. We can't be the Fighting Norskies because there are not enough Norwegian programs at UND to cater to us. In fact I think we are 29 short.

    There also is no free tuition for Norwegians.

    Truth be told, the only thing the Norwegians get is the PC Faythe Thureen. No thank you. I will wait until she resigns before I would ever take a Norwegian course at UND.

  10. I have officially withdrawn my support (money) to the Spirit Lake Casino, Dakota Magic Casino and any plans Turtle Mountain has to build one in Grand Forks.

    As soon as the 21 out of 30 Indian programs at UND that don't support the name...go away... I will vote for the Sioux nickname to ...go away.

    Until then...go away.

  11. I also like that they didn't mention support from tribes, but instead Indian people.

    I understand the Spirit Lake tribe will be drafting a resolution tonight saying they no longer support the nickname.

    I guess they can only take so much bullying.

  12. Err ... Dr. Yeagley is actually Comanche.  Better I tell you, than having him tell you.  ;)  :huh:


    My bad. I got him mixed up with a friend of mine from Oklahoma who is Cherokee.

    He always made us call him Big Chief, because he was 6 foot 7.


  13. Check out badeagle.com.

    This is a website by David Yeagley, Cherokee, who has been very vocal about keeping Indian nicknames.

    If you go to his forum and then editorials you can read his opinion on this issue. He had a mailbag letter in the Herald on Saturday also.

    You will really enjoy Betty Ann's comments about the white professors at UND.

  14. It almost sounds like the professor is encouraging Spirit Lake not to endorse the nickname.

    I know a majority of the members want the name kept, but it's going to come down to the tribal leaders. I'm sure the get plenty of flack from other tribes.

    I am so sick of taxpayer paid professors telling us how we should think and feel. I bet every one of them that writes a mailbag letter does it on taxpayer paid UND letterhead and taxpayer paid UND time.

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