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Everything posted by Sioux_Yeah_Yeah

  1. Don't forget to wear white both nights this weekend!
  2. I've never seen Slap Shot, so for the current time: MIRACLE
  3. For those of you on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#/event.p...638&index=1
  4. YaneA, I will be thinking about your family through this hard time. I hope everything turns out ok! (And thank you again for your Sioux/Gopher tickets, I really appreciate it!)
  5. I was just at the UND bookstore (used to be Barnes and Noble) and they have it there. I bought it there a few years ago. GREAT BOOK
  6. I can give you $100 for the both of them. But that's all I can afford. So you can sell it to someone else if you get a better offer. But I would love to go to the games!
  7. I am selling 1 general admission (student section) ticket for the game tonight. I'm asking $20 for it. Please call 701-730-0047 if you want it. Thanks. *Leah*
  8. 2nd episode of the "Hexy and Mario Show" as I have named it lol http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eCFXD1rfLBQ
  9. I may be interested in 2 tickets. Let me know if you have any left. Thanks.
  10. I'll take 2 of them if you still have them! (I only need Saturday tickets though) Please call me at 701-730-0047, thanks! --LEAH--
  11. Sent you an email last night, about a half hour after you originally posted this. Please reply, thanks
  12. Slow posting tonight? Those of us that don't get audio/video anywhere would like updates please, thank you
  13. In Fargo, 790 is Twins talk (yay go Twins, but I wanna listen to my Sioux also) and 970 is talking football (yay awesome)
  14. I am highly jealous of those of you that have video or tv... All I have is slow internet, and no radio??
  15. Since I'm not AT the game due to current circumstances... My internet is too slow to watch online, and I apparently don't get AM on my little radio that I have. Anyone know how I can watch/listen while in Fargo? Thanks.
  16. Hi. I'm looking for 2 tickets for the game! Willing to pay face value for lower bowl (or less for any where, if you feel so obliged to a huge Sioux fan). If you, or anyone you know, is looking to sell please please call me, I will not have access to a computer after posting this. My number is 701-730-0047 (if I don't answer, please leave a message and I will get back to you ASAP). Thank you! Leah
  17. My brother played against Meland in high school. He should be a good addition to the Princeton team. I remember playing them in the playoffs a couple years ago, they're not bad. Good luck to Eric!
  18. Well I suppose we should start the marketing!
  19. Sioux/Gopher weekend is pretty early this year. I just wanted to get some input from all you SSers to see if we should do it again this season for the series, or if we should do it later in the season for a different series. Any suggestions?
  20. Peeing in elevators...
  21. The difference between UND student-athletes and regular students is that the student-athletes are more in the public (hence these message boards) and the things they do are going to be followed more closely than those of non-athletes. I'm not saying that non-athletes don't have to concentrate on schoolwork and staying out of trouble, I'm saying that those who are watched more closely, the student-athletes, should probably be concentrating on being able to play the sport they came here to play.
  22. Oh yeah, thanks! Kyle Radke!
  23. Yes I realize only 2 of our football players have been in trouble recently. I believe I said "all our athletes in general"........ That means not only our football team, but all of our athletic teams... And I go to school with all of them (obviously) and I know that most of them (meaning in all sports) don't spend much time on academics, with a few exceptions, so yes I do know what I'm talking about a little tiny bit more than those of you that don't/haven't go(ne) to school with them. Other than when they're playing, I see UND athletes out at parties/bars/etc more than I see them in class when I have class with them. And I've known people that have taken online quizzes and tests for some of them (not condoning this is right or anything else, but it is true) My point is that UND athletes should be taking their schooling more seriously. I'm not trying to start anything, so don't jump down my throat for stating my opinion of what I've come to know through my last 3 years at school.
  24. If you don't like this thread, then don't participate in it. It's quite simple, really...
  25. Hard work beats skill when skill doesn't work hard. (I think that relates to Sioux hockey somehow, just don't remember how.)
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