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Everything posted by Sioux

  1. if i am not mistaken, it would most likely involve taking out any inefficient movements. making his form more "crisp", i guess. it will take time, but there is definitely a textbook form to everything.
  2. Sioux

    David Carle

    i dont know how many people saw this, but i think it is deserving of a new topic. David Carle has to end his hockey career due to a heart abnormality. very sad to see this kind of stuff happen. http://www.adn.com/sports/story/442736.html
  3. i can see DU finishing in 4th, but the only reason is goaltending. they will be stacked on offense.
  4. you are a total !@#!$!. all you do is come here to piss people off. get a life.
  5. duncan is the Captain for sure...imo. Assistants are more of a toss up. finley and watkins maybe jones
  6. well, it looks like the roster is finalized. i suppose they may add a walk on defenseman or goalie, but i doubt it.
  7. you find me a quote of red berenson saying he felt a player was ready to leave early...berenson is one of the biggest advocates of 4 year players. also, the "driving them to the airport" quote is meant as more of a challenge, IMO, because most kids leave for farm teams, not the NHL.
  8. this is disappointing with clarke. he did commit too early. they should probably make an ncaa rule about a minimum, but it goes both ways. i wish clarke would have gone to fargo, but i think blais' comment was right on.
  9. who knows. but i would rather have a great player for 1 or 2 years, than an average player for 4 years.
  10. no
  11. per brad, chorney will be signing july 1...another weird hole in the CBA.
  12. i remember that too, but there was another article i remember that talked more generally about departures when he said that and continued. he then said something close to "so far I haven't had to do that". i cant find it, and i may be wrong, but im pretty sure. does anybody else remember that original article?? you made this a way bigger deal than it needed to be, but im sure that you are pleased with yourself. BTW, i have tremendous respect for the wolverine program.
  13. no, if it was red berenson he have said toews wasnt ready until he was done with 4 years. i like how hakstol is real with the players. it is the kind of thing that helps gain more respect from the players that are borderline.
  14. i like reading chris' blog, but he has definitely been wrong. he had kristo going to the gophers. and he thought cichy would bolt to the Q. its different when he has sources, but if its going on assumptions, i would take what he says with a grain of salt.
  15. i think that somebody would have to be pretty naive to think that lucia is not one of the best all around coaches. i think that he needs to refine his recruiting, because he gets these high profile players that do not care about playing there so much. back on topic, joe finley will be here next year in my estimation. he is a couple of years from nhl and unless the caps feel they could develop him better, he will develop here for free. they probably have a tough call, though, because they normally dont like to let 1st rounders develop for 4 years in college.
  16. WOW! im excited already. he's supposed to be awesome. i hope he doesnt go to BC....what do they have to offer anyway? thanks for the link.
  17. Sioux


    i really think(and im not just saying this) that und has a championship in the next 4 years. the recruiting classes in the next few years are going to get more and more impressive.
  18. Sioux

    Ryan Duncan

    there are many shades of grey when it comes to being a "great" hockey player...what makes duncan not in the top 30? size is the only definite answer. i also think duncan will score more than 30, even 40.
  19. Sioux


    my bad, i messed up there. thanks for the info beyond, though.
  20. Sioux


    actually, when i started the thread, i was thinking that was a possibility. my main question was about the pay, and what kind of things the whl could tempt clarke with. nobody liked that idea, so we are talking about the highway system. if i would have known this, i would have started a highway thread...maybe we would be talking about the chl then.
  21. Sioux


    now if they can just find somebody to replace don lucia you will be ok
  22. Sioux


    i love when people complain how much this state sucks when they live here. why dont you move if you hate it so much?
  23. Sioux


    does anybody know what the pay is min to max?
  24. Sioux


    yeah, why not? do you realize how boring this site is in the off season? besides, we are all pro college here anyway, right??
  25. Sioux


    with this garrett clark thing becoming a big deal, i was wondering what the chl pays. we can also start some other debates, like the classic NCAA VS. CHL. i think that the CHL has a longer schedule, but other than that, i dont know too much about it.
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