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Everything posted by DukeWoods

  1. all the respect in the world to hockey mom she might be the biggest fan in the RRV good win ladies -$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
  2. I know for a fact that once the women's hockey team went to a full budget there was a 30% cut in budget for the men's and women's basketball department. Tell me how that is good for the athletic department! what is the attendence for whockey-- 250 to 500 people and how many of those tickets are parents, giveaways etc. I am not against title 9 but I was one who was against whockey being d1 because of the effect it would have on all other programs including women's. That program will NEVER make $$$$$ it will always be a hinderance on the department!
  3. Thank goodness for Josh Doyle! wow what a performance, if it wasn't for him I do not know if we win that game! Coach Dags-- I agree that the first half was terrible to watch, of course the Jordan Bulls would of had trouble following the performance of the Ladies! I just do not get what we are trying to do on the floor, are we uptempo, are we grind it out? somebody please tell me! Our spacing is really bad, we really do not come off of picks or have many set plays that seem to be working, and that comes down to execution more than anything, watch off the ball, we do not set good picks or more importantly we do not set up our man to be picked. What's the deal with nobles? Sometimes he looks like he is on a differnt level and then other times, which is most of the time he looks like he doesn't fit with the team or doesn't want to be there. I know moving to the wing after probably being a point guard your whole life is tough but what gives, if he doesn't have the ball in his hands he stands there and watches. I just do not think this team fits with coach glas's grind it out style, let's put on some pressure, run, and gun up some three's, maybe we can keep some fans there past halftime! All in all it was a game we were supposed to win and we did. Good Job Sioux, it just wasn't good basketball. My two cents!
  4. I would never vote for Phil, and this is the reason, not that he doesn't deserve it as a bball player, but I am against the way that he has totally disowned UND for their nickname, I refuse to acknowledge him as he refuses to acknowledge UND, if he won would he even accept the award? I think it is soooo funny how if he was so against the nickname, why did he accept a scholarship and play here? You are going to pay my room and board! Go Sioux, what I am going pro and am now rich! I am totally against the name it is disrespectfull!! Thanks Phil for all that you have given back to UND!
  5. Are you kidding me, you really can't have this opinion can you? I can't even look at this site anymore if these are the kind of post that are gonna be on it, I am a sioux fan but I do not live under a rock, this is an incredible win for SU and it is gonna really hurt UND's chances for ANY recruits if they are competing with SU, of course if tim miles was recruiting against rich and randall we wouldn't get them anyway, he is in a whole different league. I know this having played for tim and being recruited by rich, sweaty and unshaven? maybe he was spending too much time coaching and recruiting. You have to love the team they have put together, not dogging UND as I actually like the approach they have taken these last two years bringing in high school kids with good integrity. Too bad we screwed up with all the JUCO's I think the program got into a mode where they needed the quick fix, but guys like Beasley don't grow on trees or don't often come to UND: Heck we really didn't win with him anyway--- SU has recruited winners, mr bballs in many different states and guys who play with a passion and believe, and I think they have bought into what tim is selling! Tim didn't have the greatest success at SU when they were D2 but I knew it would be a matter of time if SU was still in the NCC that it would be a no brainer that they would dominate.
  6. Moderator please hang on to all of these posts because unless you live under a rock everyone knows that UND will be 1AA in a few years, like it or not they just have to go! I am one of those odd ducks who is a fan of both programs, and when they used to play each other I would just cheer for a good game, I want to see what some of these negative people that are so against 1AA say when their team is 1AA!
  7. What bothers me in this whole debate is that there is no right or wrong answer however you feel whether there is a big gap or a little one all I can say about 1AA is that the people are supporting it, how many people were at UND's last playoff game, If I remember there was under 5,000! what was SU's average draw, for a team that wasn't even eligible for postseason, like 10,000+
  8. What I meant by down year in the NCC is that in my opinion I don't think that we have the 2 or 3 powerhouse teams in the NCC like in years past, and that is fine with me, that gives teams who maybe had an average preseason to make some adjustments, maybe get healthy, get hot and make a run at a NCC title. Hats off to the sioux to win the second game of a home and home on the road, that just doesn't happen! Looks like they are having a little trouble tonite playing in the Grand Canyon (dakota dome) I will take splits on the road all year long!
  9. Great win Sioux, but am not getting ahead of myself, how often in the last few years have we started fast and then finished 1-8. Same thing different year! In what looks like a very down year in the NCC, PLEASE PROVE ME WRONG SIOUX!!!!!
  10. DukeWoods


    The comment on SU is only recruiting local to please the people is absurd! If you truly think this than the gap between competition from DII to DI is immense. Last week we were saying these kids were studs and now they will fail, just because they chose another school! I am a UND graduate and a Sioux fan, but it just ticks me off when people discredit kids for their choices or blame it on "shady" recruiting, don't you think UND does the same things? And the part about SU's coaching staff not being local is a terrible statement, who local was qualified to run a DI program (Dale Lennon) did we want to loose him? I want to see local kids be successfull wherever they are, here or Fargo.
  11. This current team has a tremendous amount of potential but until they win something, my bet goes with that 98-99 team as not only the most fun to watch but also UND's best! They were completely dominating, three titles in a row!
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