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  1. From A Credible Source, Forney will be #18
  2. Maybe He'll sing the national anthem with aaron neville??
  3. He's still sad that he didnt get a big orange sign last saturday night
  4. Amen One game at a time, heck one period at a time
  5. I'm sure his mom called him in the locker room to tell him the same thing
  6. Now thats just plain scary
  7. Sioux need to do the same tomorrow night, good physical play, but SMART!! OLD TIME HOCKEY( like eddie shore)
  8. Red river scores 3-2 ot final
  9. GPR 2 GFRR 2 Just started OT
  10. Wonder if he'll have a yellow suit for tomorrow night?
  11. With the way this ones gone tonight, tomorrow could be almost as rough as the movie "road house"
  12. Annnnnnnnndrewwwww KOHHHHHHHHHZEK
  13. Thanks!
  14. Anyone know if this means george cant be on the bench tomorrow night then?
  15. Also need a clip of curious george going ape S&*t
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