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Posts posted by FIRE HELMET GUY #26

  1. Yes and no. Granted, the Bina thing was worse because it supports cheap play. But one could argue the HC thing supports poor sportsmanship between the programs. Both are lame.

    And it's not like the Bina incident ended his career (could have, but didn't). He's still out their at a high level.

    But all that said, I still have no problem with the HC thing. It's like UMD refferring to us as UMTC on their scoreboard. it's their little rip, and good for them.

    Like I said earlier who says the announcement didn't get the GOPHER team fired up more, I'm sure they were not paying attention to the announcement either but it could have.

    You say poor sportsmanship, I say it's all part of the rivalry.

  2. As a Gopher fan, I'm over the whole HC thing.

    But here's my thought.

    I'm fine with your PA announcer saying it as long as those UND fans who support would be okay with comments from other PA guys. Say the Denver PA guy had said "Noticeably absent form tonights line up is Robbie Bina" last season to rev up the fans who enjoyed watching Punk-o-witch.

    After all, according to you, it's not about being professional. it's about playing to eh fans without saying anything vulgar.

    WOW, that is totally different. That was almost a career ending injury there, THAT would have been unclassy. And I'll be the first to admit that I have made jokes about the whole Bina incident as well but that was after his recovery and whatnot. There is NOTHING funny about those kind of injuries.

  3. Someone on GPL actually e-mailed the Media relations guy at UND about the announcement. :glare: Got a response from the guy too. UNBELIEVABLE.

    I sent an email to UND right after the game on Friday regarding the Holy Cross comment by the PA announcer. Here is their response:

    Mr. Cliff,

    Thanks for your note.

    For anyone who found that comment offensive, I apologize on behalf of our arena and athletic program. Certainly no intentional slight or disrespect was intended to the University of Minnesota's outstanding men's hockey program. I do believe that the interaction between the two schools and programs is conducted with the highest degree of professionalism.

    PA announcements and scoreboard announcements are meant to entertain the crowd. If you attend regular college or professional sporting events, I am sure you understand there are a certain amount of scoreboard displays, music, and inflections by the public address announcement that are for this purpose and serve to help create a "home ice (field or court) advantage." That is what the intention was with that particular announcement. These type of announcements are intended as friendly ways to get the crowd involved--nothing more.

    However, we do understand your opinion, and the opinions of some others who may feel that this particular PA announcement was in poor taste. Therefore, we are sorry for any offense taken at this announcement and any subsequent misunderstanding that has resulted. Again, our sincerest apologies to those who might not have understood the intent of this announcement or to those who feel it should not have been made.

    We will make every effort to be careful about our public address announcements in the future to avoid such misunderstandings.

    We have a great deal of respect for the University of Minnesota and all of our opponents.

    Thank you for your thoughts, and I hope this response helps alleviate some of your concerns.

    Best wishes,

    Dan Benson

    Media Relations Director

    University of North Dakota Athletics

    You know the thing people don't think about sometimes is that the announcement may have actually fired up the Gophers as well....for the players that were in that game. I worry about this world and where it's heading sometimes. :ohmy:

  4. I like Wooger. He's a Gopher, and I know that. He has given the Sioux a lot of credit the past few years, and I appreciate that. I can listen to him. Dubay and Mozako, not so much.

    I was thinking the same thing, Wooger has always been pretty good to the Sioux I thought.

    I wish I could have heard his rant on Finley being compared to his Christmas tree. :glare:

  5. Right, I wasn't trying to say you were complaining about it. The point I wanted to make is announcing the Holy Cross score doesn't strike me as much different than putting that up on the screen.

    Personally, I think that stuff's funny too.

    Just making sure, don't need everyone on here going off on me, it was a long weekend! :ohmy::glare:

  6. On GPL someone posted that they put a photo of a woman in a Gopher jersey sitting in the penalty box on the screen when a Gopher player took a penalty this weekend.

    I don't see that as any different than giving the Holy Cross update.

    I posted that on GPL, and I posted that it was funny, not out of taste. Actually it was pretty damn clever I thought.

  7. Fire Helmet guy #26 I can tell you why the Holy Cross loss is funny to a lot of Sioux hockey fans.

    ~First off if you were at the KFAN remote at the I-29 saloon the day of the HOLY CROSS game Wooger said, "there was no way that Minnesota was going to lose that game." If I remember right U of MN were talking about how they were going to beat the Sioux in the regional championship game, even the Gopher fan base looked past Holy Cross. I had a feeling that the Gophers were doomed from the start, it is all about attitude. So pardon us if we enjoy the Holy Cross win. It's funny. I enjoy every time the Packers Lose too in football too, that's life. After the Holy Cross game I had some clown come up to me in the bathroom and say, but we would have won, I said Skippy your team is already on the bus going home. Your team is done. This clown says again, "but we would have won."

    ~It was all the stupid comments Gopher fans say about REA being Marriucci West; what ever fine... Lets not mention that UND is has won 3 out of 4 at the John, so it goes both ways. Its a combination of many things, that piss Sioux fans off. A lot of people that live in ND are from the country and don't take too kindly to comments about tractors and ND people being a bunch of Hicks. I live 2 miles from where I work, you can have the traffic jams and the traffic if you want, I will take the quiet life. No one that I know has a mullets or drives a John Deer tractor. Those folks are way out of my social stratus.

    ~If you take away the cities Minnesota, Out state Minnesota is very much the same as ND. A lot of Sioux fans see Minnesota as a program that oozes arrogance. Heck I just got done listening to the broadcast of last night game and every thing that Frank Masacco says is a slam or a cut at UND or what ever program is playing the Gophers. They should just put a pair of pom poms on Frank.

    ~Every Gopher fan that I come in contact with or that I am friends with spews the same crap, I was wondering if they sell a manual for being a Gopher fan: 25 old year old canadians, UND is a bunch of goons. Carey Eades was the biggest hack.

    Bottom line I just think it is funny.

    I was just posting that I thought it was funny. ??? I still remember that day as well, and if you ask the people I went to the game with (Bert, Cardinal) they would tell you the same thing, I was nervous before the game as well......and I had a bad feeling already a couple minutes into the game. I don't know why alot of Gophers fans thought it was going to be an automatic win either, it's the playoffs so obviously teams in the playoffs are good so no one should be overlooked.

  8. As a Gopher fan I don't think it was "classless" he made the remark. As it's been said, it's your home arena so obviously the announcers are going to throw in some "subliminal" messages. :lol: Same goes with the Caddyshack references they have done in the past, you have to get the home fans into the game. Even though the Gopher wins at the end of Caddyshack, something I never really understood but Bill Murray still rules. ???

  9. Just got home from the trip, and I have a question for you Sioux fans, because this is still boggling my mind. Cardinal and myself made the trip up there and went to the Sioux Booster lunch, we thought it was going to be a lunch where both coaches spoke so boy did we feel dumb being the only Gopher fans there. :lol: The band started playing the Minnesota rouser and everyone there stood up and started clapping along with it?:sad:?? Was anyone else there that can explain that too me.

    A couple of good battles as usual this weekend, I really thought the Sioux were going to come back and take it last night with the Gophers record in the 3rd period, a big win for Kangas as a frosh in by far his biggest game of the season at the Ralph. I didn't really see the Sioux's 3rd goal replay, it looked to me like there was a man in the crease but I'm assuming he was pushed in by a Gopher player?

    Had a fun time as usual up there. Talked with some real nice Sioux fans over the weekend. Boy, if I had a dime for everytime I heard Holy Cross Friday night I could have paid all my bar tabs. ???

  10. Now this is what Gophers vs. Sioux week is all about. Some back to back bantering. :D

    So where is the "Thirsty Thursday" spot in Grand Forks? We should be pulling into the Forks around 11:30-Midnight tomorrow night, will need something to celebrate the long drive.

  11. I am sure many people on here have friends that are Gopher fans but what I want to know is why do they insist calling us the SUE? I get what it means but its not funny nor will it ever be funny. I swear they get more ignorant every year. I just want to take our 7 banners and strangle them to death :D

    I think the same could be said for "Goofers". It's about as un-comical as Sue.

  12. Are you suppose to use water on a fuel (gasoline/propane) fire??

    Typically you would want to use a Class "B" foam, but some departments are not equipped with foam on their rigs.

  13. I always loved that one: "there's nothing to look at when I'm driving" HOW ABOUT LOOKING AT THE DAMN ROAD! I guess when I drive to the cities, I say: "Oh look dear, it is Maple Grove!" or, "Wow, check out the Best Buy headquarters". COME ON! Don't start with the GF bashing. To people in Cali or NY, MSP and North Dakota are interchangable. Just look at the movie "Fargo", most of it takes place in the MSP area, you are portrayed the same way we are here in Nodak. We are all seen as hicks with funny accents.

    If you would have read my post you would have read that I LIKE Grand Forks, it's the drive TO Grand Forks that is a bit on the boring side. :D

    I still wish I would have made it up there to catch a game at the Old Ralph,from what people told me that place really got crazy and loud. That building is still standing right, isn't it right across the street from the Park and ride to the new Ralph?

  14. Come on....I live in Mpls and make the drive all the time. If the roads are good it is not that bad....all interstate. Now if the Gophs get swept I can see how it would suck going back with a hangover to boot!! ha

    Yeah, I suppose. Not much to look at. The Budweiser plant is one of the highlights of the drive. :lol: Sounds like they are calling for snow Thursday which is when we are planning on leaving, so that could make the drive a bit dicey. Any people on the board here go to the Hockey luncheon, sounds like our group may check it out.

  15. If Grand Forks is such a dump why do Gopher fans even bother coming up? Seriously?

    The sacrifices we make for hockey are amazing, aren't they. :lol:

    Honestly I like Grand Forks, it's one of my favorite roadtrips.....but the drive does suck.

  16. I am surprised you come on this board ... seeing as what you think of us Sioux Fans when you are on another board.

    Posted yesterday by FIRE HELMET GUY #26 on GPL: http://www.gopherpucklive.com/viewtopic.php?t=7297

    "I don't know whats worse, dealing with the drive up to Grand Forks or dealing with !@#!$! Sioux fans. Keep your gas masks handy and your cars between the ditches!"

    There are plenty of good Sioux fans out there, and there are plenty of !@#$%! Sioux fans as well......the same can be said about Gopher fans as well.

  17. Gophs are undefeated when scoring 3+ goals and an 0-pher when scoring 2 or less. If JPL plays like he did vs. DU, I think a sweep is in the making!

    When these 2 teams get together you can throw any stats out the window. :)

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